Cat needs to control her HP puns...

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Denis's POV-
'Corl and Y/N are in the hospital!' I said putting my phone back in my pocket and grabbing my car keys.
'Are you Sirius?' Cat joked.'Pun intended.'
'No I'm not Sirius but I am serious!' I yelled.
'How does that work?' She giggled.
'JUST GET IN THE CAR!' I yelled at Cat. Her eyes watered up and silently went into the car. Everyone else gasped at me and also got in. I drove to the hospital while everyone sat saying stuff like, 'Cat it's ok.' And 'He is a terrible person.' Well y'now what? I don't really care. I dangerously parked my car, and made everyone scream. They're should grow up and act their age. I rushed into the hospital, with everyone else slugging behind me.
'Well cmon lazy babies!' I yelled at them.
'I'm sorry, we're not going in with a rude, angry, annoying, person.' Cat said.
'Well I can't believe you're with each other because you'll are rude, angry, annoying, idiotic people.' I replied. Olivia ran up to me and stole the keys.
'We're sick of it. We're going home. You can walk.' Olivia said. I watched them leave. I decided I just had to go in by myself.
Olivia's POV-
Of course we wouldn't actually leave! We are just hanging outside. We'll wait until Denis is gone then go in and visit them.

Hello, just a little filler chapter. Just before they see what's up with Corl and you. Well nighty night. I'll do an all nighter on Friday AEDT.

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