Chapter 3

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Regina made it to the couch before she fell back out of exhaustion. Her head hit the cushion behind her and the weight of her eyes forced her lids to close. The diner was busy tonight. She wasn't complaining about the never ending slew of customers as her wallet was now full of tips. However, she was saddened that she wasn't able to chat with Emma a lot and that had become the highlight of her shifts lately.

"You're late tonight sis. I was starting to get worried." Zelena said entering the room.

Regina didn't have the energy to respond she just turned her head to the side opening her eyes and smiling at her sister.

"Rough night?" Zelena asked sitting on the couch next to her.

Regina nodded and pulled her aching legs up to the coffee table in front of her.

"I'm sorry. I have good news for you! I was able to get Henry to eat his supper tonight," Zelena smiled.

"Oh that's fantastic!" Regina replied, her throat hoarse.

"Yes it was. I think he is finally relaxing into his new routine. We had a lovely supper and I gave him a bath, we read some books and then he went straight to sleep for me." Zelena said and then noticed a tear fall from closed eyes. "Sis, what's wrong?"

"I miss my son."

Zelena frowned. "I know. I know this is hard for you but remember you are doing this for him."

Regina nodded and wiped her face. Zelena knew her sister well and she knew that tonight was one of those nights where few words would be of comfort to Regina. Zelena stood up and retrieved the throw blanket from the back of the couch. She unfolded it and laid it gently over her sister.

"Thank you," Regina mumbled as she closed her eyes and let the physical exhaustion begin to take over the mental anguish.


"Hey, we're going to a party tonight if you wanna go with us?" Gabby asked as she kissed her boyfriend again.

"No thanks, I'm good." Emma replied as she brought her attention back to her book trying to ignore their very annoying display of affection.

"Oh, come on, you never do anything fun! Where do you go every night anyways?" Gabby asked obviously not sincerely wanting an answer as she was already straddling the boy on her bed again.

"Out," Emma replied not giving her the satisfaction of details.

"Eh, you're so annoying." Gabby laughed as she stood up and grabbed her boyfriend's hand pulling him off of her bed. "Come on Brett let's go."

Emma rolled her eyes and continued to read her page. Good, at least I will have some peace and quiet for once. She looked out of her window at the falling snow. It had been coming down steadily for hours now and according to the news had no intention of stopping all night.


Regina sighed as she stepped out into the snow. It was still falling and well above her knees. The streets were empty and the sidewalks were a mess. She had worn a much warmer coat to work today but could still feel the bitter cold against her skin. Her bare legs were especially cold as pantyhose didn't offer much of a barrier. Regina still didn't understand why she had to wear a skirt as part of her uniform. It was 2017 not the 1950's.

"Hey, would you like some company?" Regina turned her head to the familiar voice.

"Emma? What are you doing here?" Regina smiled at the blonde who was bundled from head to toe.

"I couldn't sleep so I thought I would walk you home. Here I brought hot cocoa."

"Aw, you didn't have to do that."

"Well, the cold doesn't bug me and I can't drive on these roads so here I am." Emma said and offered a thermos to the other woman.

"This is very sweet of you Emma, thank you so much." Regina smiled and accepted the warm drink from the blonde.

"No problem. So, how was work?"

"Oh so boring, I was surprised to not see you tonight."

"My roommate went out so I took advantage of the quiet."

"I see. What did you do?"


Regina laughed, "Why am I not surprised?"

Emma smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "What do you do for fun?"

"Fun, ha what is that?" Regina giggled. "Hmm, no I'm just kidding, actually anything with Henry is fun. Nothing can take away a bad mood faster than that boys smile."

"That's cute."

"Yeah, he's pretty wonderful. I just wish I was able to see him more. I used to be with him all day every day and now I feel like I barely see him at all."

"I'm so sorry that must be really hard."

"It's not your fault dear but yes, it is." Regina took a sip of the cocoa. "Mm, that tastes different, what is in this?"

"Cinnamon, my mom used to do it. Sorry if you don't like it, it's habit."

"No, I love it. I will have to remember that."

Emma smiled. "So what did you used to do for fun before Henry?"

"Before Henry? Oh goodness, that seems like a lifetime ago. Well, that was when I was just a wife."


"Yep, I was a housewife. I went from my overly controlling parent's house to my overly controlling husband's house. I'm afraid the word fun has never really been a part of my vocabulary."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It is what it is dear. Some people don't get a happily ever after ya know?"

Emma nodded and found herself unable to come up with anything good enough to respond.

"Well, here we are. Thank you again for keeping me company on my walk home. It made it much more pleasant." Regina smiled and handed the thermos back to Emma.

"You can keep it," Emma replied.

"Are you sure?"

Emma nodded.

"Okay, well I will finish it up and return your thermos to you. Are you sure you don't want to come in and warm up for a bit before you walk back?"

"Oh, no I'm okay. I have on plenty of layers and I really don't mind the cold at all."

"I guess not, meanwhile I'm pretty sure I am turning into a popsicle over here," Regina laughed causing Emma to giggle. "Okay well thank you again Emma and be careful!"

"I will. Good night Regina." Emma said as she turned to walk back to her dorm.

"Good night Emma," Regina smiled and began carefully walking up the steps to her apartment building.

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