Chapter 4

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"Guess what cutie?" Regina said as she picked her boy up from his spot on the floor. "Mama gets to stay with you all night!" She held him close to her and hugged him tight.

"Finally a night off huh?" Zelena asked as she watched the joy spread across the chubby toddler's face.

"Yes! I am beyond ready for it too. What are your plans for the evening?"

"Well, seeing as how I have just found out I have the evening free, I think I'm going to give Mark a call and see if he wants to grab a bite to eat."

"That sounds like fun!"

"Yeah, no offense, but I am ready for a night out of this house!" Zelena laughed.

"No offense taken sis, go and have a good time! This little guy and I are going to have some dinner and spend every second playing with trains and laughing and whatever else he wants to do!" Regina said setting Henry back on the floor. "Right buddy?"

"Right Mama!" Henry smiled up at his mom in pure adoration.


Emma walked into the crowded diner scanning the room with her eyes for Regina. Maybe she is in the kitchen, she thought as she took a seat at the counter since her booth was taken. She opened her book as Lisa, another waitress, approached her.


"Yes, please," Emma replied her eyes never leaving her page.

"Here ya go. Can I get you anything else?" Lisa asked as she placed the mug down.

"No thank you," Emma said setting her book down and taking a sip. "Um, you know where Regina is?"

"She has the night off." Lisa replied as she walked to the next customer who sat down a few stools from where Emma was sitting.

A night hadn't occurred to Emma that eventually the woman would need a night off. Thank God I brought my book.


Regina had loved every second of her evening with Henry but knew that he needed his sleep so a little after 10pm she reluctantly put him to bed. After watching him for a few moments she slipped out of the bedroom quietly and headed back to the living room. She began cleaning up the toys that were scattered across the hardwood floors when someone buzzed the intercom.

She jumped to her feet hoping that it wouldn't wake up Henry.

"Zelena did you forget your keys?" Regina laughed into the speaker.


"Emma?" Regina asked.

"'s me..."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah...I just wanted to say hi...."

" Here I will buzz you up." Regina looked down at her oversized t-shirt and yoga pants and laughed. She wasn't exactly dressed for company and she was pretty sure she still had marker on her face from her and Henry's art session earlier this evening.

A knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts and she opened the door.

"Hey Emma, come on in." Regina opened the door letting the woman step into the apartment. "Sorry about the mess I was just cleaning up."

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