Chapter 13

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They never stopped swaying to the music as their kiss deepened and Emma's hands made their way down Regina's body before resting on her lower back and pulling the other woman's hips in closer to her own. Emma's nerves began to fade as her desire for Regina took over and she allowed her hands to travel freely over the woman's body for the first time. Emma felt her body begin to warm over as she memorized the curves of Regina with her fingertips and she heard Regina moan into their kiss.

"Emma..."Regina pulled back suddenly but kept her forehead resting on the blondes. Emma slowly opened her eyes and both women were frantically looking at each other while trying to steady their breathing. "Emma, I'm nervous..."

"Baby, don't be nervous," Emma said reassuringly while brushing some of Regina's hair behind her ear, "there isn't anything to be nervous about...but if you want we don't have to..."

", I want to. Believe me," Regina took a deep breath and smiled coyly, "I really, really, want to..."

"Okay," Emma couldn't hide her smile, "Good...well then please don't be long as you want me as much as I want you, everything will be amazing."

"Oh, trust me we have no problem with that," Regina smiled and felt the wonderful ache in her stomach as Emma's hands trailed down her sides once again. The women never broke eye contact as Regina felt Emma begin to slide underneath her tank top slowly and with every inch of skin that was exposed Regina felt her heart race with excitement. "I'm just worried I won't know what to do..." Regina whispered as her head fell from the blonde's forehead and into the crook of her neck.

"Just listen to your body..." Emma said as she brought her hands back up and into thick hair pulling lightly to expose Regina's neck to her. She began placing soft kisses in that sweet spot that left chills down the older woman's spine. "Relax..." Emma whispered as she nipped at Regina's ear lobe and began walking her back towards the couch. The blonde could feel her own confidence rising as Regina's soft but deep moans filled the apartment.

When Regina felt the back of her legs hit the couch she instinctively laid back but to her surprise Emma remained standing in front of her. Regina propped herself up on her elbows and smiled at Emma who began to pull her own shirt up and over her head. Before Regina could speak Emma was making her way on top of the anticipating woman. She straddled her hips and once again pulled her into a kiss so passionate that Regina couldn't help but moan. Regina wasn't used to this dominate side of Emma but she was both turned on and comforted by the fact that she was taking control.

Emma laid Regina's head back on the couch and slid her hands down to release the other woman's bra. Regina let out a slight chuckle at how easily she did that and how much the men in her life had always struggled with that. Emma tossed the garment to the floor as she began placing kisses down the woman's jaw and neck before resting on the hardened buds that had been anticipating her touch. Regina's back instinctively arched and she found her hands becoming buried in blonde locks.

Emma's mouth moved back to Regina's begging lips, her fingers replacing where her tongue was on aching nipples, and she felt Regina's hips begin to rock into her own. Emma smiled into their kiss and then broke away quickly causing Regina's eyes to snap open, looking at her in shock. Emma smiled coyly in return before making her way down the woman's body. Emma began leaving a trail of kisses on her way, and didn't waste any time before undoing the jeans that appeared to be a second skin. When she slid the denim down Regina's beautifully toned legs she felt her entire body flush as she saw the sexiest red lace separating her from the thing that she wanted most right now.

 Emma ran her hands up Regina's thighs, moaning at the fact that her skin felt like silk, and began placing light kisses over the lace. Emma slid her fingers under the top of the material and began to lightly pull it down but paused to look up at Regina. She wanted to ask her if she was okay but before she could Regina looked up at her and bit her bottom lip and smiled. That was all the reassurance that Emma needed and she pulled the panties off and knelt down on the floor in front of the couch. She grabbed Regina by the hips and pulled her down to the edge of the couch causing a gasp to escape the other woman's lips.


"And to think you were worried..." Emma laughed breaking the silence.

Regina threw her arm over her face and laughed, "Oh my god."

"Well one of us had to say something," Emma continued to laugh as she rolled on to her side and propped her head onto her hand. The women were now laying on the middle of the living room floor, only half of the candles were still flickering.

"I'm still trying to remember my name...good grief..."

"That good huh?" Emma laughed as she kissed Regina's cheek.

Regina rolled onto her side, facing the blonde, "Emma," Regina shook her head, "I didn't even know I could feel like that. I"

Emma blushed and nodded, "Well if that isn't the biggest ego boost ever..."

Regina laughed, "I have so many questions! What time is it? How did we end up on the floor? What exactly did you do that third time with your tongue?" Regina sighed and rolled back on her back.

Emma laughed and brushed the hair out the beauty's face. "Oh honey...I have so much to teach you..."

Regina laughed. "I am starving! And I just became aware that my son plays with his trains right on this very spot. Oh my god. I need to sanitize this entire room." Regina's eyes went wide and Emma couldn't help but crack up.

"Well let's get some food first." Emma said standing and then reaching her hand out.

Regina took the blonde's hand and stood up. Emma pulled her into a kiss. "I love you Emma Swan."

"I love you too." Emma smiled and kissed her forehead. "Now, food!"

"Okay, food...then I'm going to need all of the cleaning products!"


I had planned on continuing this story but with JMo leaving OUAT and the way the season ended I have lost all motivation/inspiration. Sorry for any disappointment but thank you to everyone who has read. Much love and appreciation to all of you! 

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