Chapter 10

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                Regina stepped out of the shower and sighed as she wrapped her aching body in soft material. She avoided the mirror, not wanting the visual reminders of the damage he had done, the physical pain was enough. She could hear Henry's giggles in the living room and she smiled knowing that Emma was doing a wonderful job keeping him entertained. She took her time drying off and slowly began to dress in a pair of yoga pants and an oversized hoodie not wanting anything too constricting.

She walked into the living room scrunching her hair into her towel and laughed as she saw Emma hiding behind the sofa with a blanket over her and Henry running around laughing looking for her.

"Mama, where she go?" the toddler asked as he spotted Regina entering the room.

"I don't know baby, we better find her," Regina said taking his hand and pretending to look for the blonde. "Nope, she's not under here," she said as she looked under the coffee table. "Not here either," Regina giggled as she looked behind the potted plant in the corner. "Oh, Henry look!" Regina pointed to the rather noticeable Emma shaped lump behind the couch, "I think she might be under that blanket!" Regina let go of the boys hand and watched as he toddled over and peeked under the blanket. She laughed as Henry squealed when Emma grabbed him and scooped him up. Regina watched in awe as Emma continued to tickle the boy and she can't help the smile that spreads across her face.

Emma noticed she had an admirer and felt her cheeks redden and sets Henry down. "Oh, um hey Zelena told me to tell you that Mark asked her out for dinner but if you needed anything to just give her a call."

"Oh, okay, good. I don't need her here crying all over me all day anyways."

"Yeah, she said you would say that." Emma laughed.

"Don't feel like you have to stay either...I mean...if you don't want to..."

"Oh, no, I'm having a good time...but if you want me to go I can..." Emma said breaking eye contact and looking down at Henry who was now playing with his trains again.

"No, please stay." Regina said smiling at the other woman. Emma returned the smile and took a deep breath. "We really should get something to eat though. I think I will order in some Chinese or something."

"Sounds good to me," Emma replied. "Is there any way that I can jump in the shower? Zelena laid out a change of clothes for me already."

"Z gave you clothes to wear? Oh my, I'm afraid." Regina laughed. "Why don't you go in my closet and help yourself. I'm sure you will find something a lot more comfortable."


"Well, Henry is fast asleep. You want to watch a movie or something?" Regina asked as she sat down on the couch next to Emma. "It's not fair you know."


"That you look better in my clothes than I do." Regina laughed.

"Oh please. It's a tshirt and shorts!"


Emma felt herself blush, "So have you heard from your sister?"

"Yeah, she sent a text awhile ago; she is staying over at Mark's place tonight." Emma nodded. "So, what do you want to watch?" Regina grabbed the remote and pulled the blanket from the back of the couch down on top of their laps.

Emma gulped at the realization of just how close they were to each other. She wanted to talk about things. She wanted to know what Regina was thinking. She wanted to know how Regina was feeling about her. You can't ask her. What if she runs again? She just went through so much. Don't be selfish. Give her time.

"I don't care what we watch. Whatever you want is fine with me." Emma smiled and she wasn't lying. She really didn't mind what movie was on, she was just enjoying Regina's company.

"You know Emma," Regina set the remote down before even turning the television on and faced the other woman. "I want to thank you again for the other night and you know for being here with me now. I know I act strong and like I don't need anybody but it's been really nice having you here."

Emma smiled. "It's no problem; really, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

Regina sighed, "I owe you an apology...for the other night...I'm sorry that I ran away from you like that..."

"Regina, don't, it's okay..."

"No, it's not. I had no right to do that to you. You didn't deserve that. You opened up to me and you were vulnerable and I shouldn't have just left you like that. I'm sorry."

Emma shook her head, "Please, it's okay; I'm not worried about it anymore. I'm just happy that you are still in my life." Emma was relieved to hear that Regina was apologetic but she didn't want to push. She didn't want to force anything that Regina wasn't ready for.

"Honestly, Emma, I know we haven't known each other very long but I can't imagine my life without you."

"Neither can I Regina. And I don't care what the basis is. I don't want you to feel pressured in any way by what I said...I just want to be a part of your life, whatever way you want me to be..."

"I wish I knew what that was." Regina sighed and looked down. "I'm sorry; I've been trying to figure that out."

"Hey..." Emma put her finger under the woman's chin and lifted her head up to gaze into piercing brown eyes once again. "You don't have to apologize for anything. We will just be us. We will just be Emma and Regina and live each day as it comes and whatever happens or doesn't happen is great okay?"

Regina smiled and nodded. "You're amazing."

"No, dear, that's you."

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