Chapter Six

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Sharp, grey eyes bore into dark browns.

"Who the fuck are you?" Duke simply blinked at the man but was unfazed by his sizzling attitude, especially since she was one that carried one like it was the ball to her chain.

She had to reluctantly admit that the man in front of her was an impressive feat of pure strength. A stocky man well over the six foot range who's body was the canvas for an array of tattoos. Blue black hair fell just past the tips of his shoulders, his long body clad in a white wife beater and baggy basketball shorts.

"Aren't you a bit old for that attire?" She inquired, genuinely concerned for his lack of fashion statement.

"Girl, you best answer my damn question." The man lowered his face to snarl in hers.

"Since you asked nicely, it's Duke." Distrust was more than prominent in those dark eyes.

"Alright, Duke. I'll give you two options. Get the fuck outta my turf or be killed." The man curled his tatted fingers around the metal frame of the doorway.

Fear. She knew she mustn't show it, it was a sign of weakness. A sign of humanity. It always lured that voice out, a sickly sweet voice telling her to do the most atrocious things to the ones that made her feel fear.

"Okay, Bracken will be disappointed, he said you would love the new product." She shrugged her shoulders, a blank slate covering her face.

So, Duke turned and started back down the sidewalk.

"Aye, girl, now there ain't no need for the theatrics. If Bracken sent you, boss man would be more than happy to welcome you." She huffed. Why couldn't the damned man make up his mind.

She glared at the Latino, grumbling under her breath but walked back towards him nonetheless.

"On with it, girl." The man nudged her inside and immediately she wished she wouldn't have.

The repulsive scent of marijuana drifted into her nose, her eyes watered slightly at the thick clouds of smoke that hovered. It was a nice house, she discovered as she was being led down the house.

Modernly renovated, nothing but exotic flooring and beige walls. It was a dimly lit place and it seemed to add to the factor that made her wary of the building. And the abnormally large man did not help, for Duke was not used to being short around men.

Thin fingers twitched and tugged at threadbare straps of her bag, her anxiety successfully making her its bitch. Her molars grounded ruthlessly against one another, her body trying everything to keep her from bouncing off of the walls before hauling ass out of the trap house.

And what a trap house it was.

The repulsive scent of sex hung heavily from closed doors, while some men and women walked in a daze down the halls, their sexual appetite had clearly been filled. She caught a sliver of a glance of their eyes, pupils blown wide from ecstasy, sexual or drug wise, that she wasn't sure of.

It was a strange layout, the house was, but in time as she made her way around, it began to make sense. To simply put it, it was a maze, and only the creatures that reigned supreme of the food chain knew the way out. Long winding hallways, array of staircases, wide window with no raisable pane. It made her antsy.

So instead of focusing on the enchanting voice that purred in her head, she focused on the alluring shift of the man's muscled back. Though she had no time for men, she could admire a nicely sculpted specimen. What she would give to run her tongue across those delectable muscles. The seductress in her flew to life when her mind conjured up thoughts of that pretty man between her pretty legs.

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