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I awoke abruptly having the phrase 'It's inside of you' repeating monotonously as it faded into the waking depths of lucid dreaming- the unconfined substance drawing away as I murmured hesitantly to the lights that peeked through half-lidded eyes, my eyes shaped itself into a waxing crescent as I let the bright purity flood into my habitually dark eyes, propping myself against an arm, I pushed myself upwards and curled my spine over as I felt acid reflux choke upwards damaging the larynx in the process- the regurgitation was liquefied and blood-ridden, there was pus flowing from the gaping hole oozed itself as delta from the slit as I forced the foul fluids back into the my stomach, the liver was compressed to the side of my body to try and maximise the space internally, clutching the side of my body I felt sharp objects piercing out of the skin, the membrane did not break, however, the spleen and gallbladder were likely to have been pierced by whatever had been placed inside; with feverish shivering, I lowered the ripper-seal with that fastened my chest together and prepared myself for spilling guts, while they were somewhat pinned together with dissection pins, they were not the most safe of all types secure of surgery appliances, I required something a tad more permanent and had planned to later today to secure them with butterfly clutches, however, so far, they been quite pleasant to me. Losing my patience, I yanked the semi-lock zinc puller tab to reveal a book bulging out of the innards, this was to be expected though, for Albino did promise to hand over the book- on the other hand, I would have preferred if his twisted sense of humour had not taken the best of him and perhaps for him to have merely committed to a knowledge transfer rather than a physical joke- chuckling mildly, I teased the book's corners out of the body and proceeded to sort out the organs by smoothing the greasy fascia onto the minimal layer of fat, I gave myself a practical and riskless body-fication, making my abdominal muscles more prominent, I smirked a little in satisfaction, many would waste hours, weeks, months to posses my inhumane strength and never achieve the outcome, with my enhanced abilities and graphene laced muscles I could annihilate mere mortals without ever looking like I ever did- scrawny children are never blamed for a blow on drunk men who look like they could have hammered a skeletal frame like mine. The book lay on the glutinous-rice-white sheets that remained crumpled as emulsified 'cranberry' juice sunk deeper into the goose-feather stuffing within the duvet, I could feel the metallic haemoglobin-infused substance trickle onto my trousers but that was fine, as long as the book remained in readable condition, it did not matter what happened to me, once completing my homemade surgery, I proceeded to use the Thai silk casing, matching to the rest of the pale silken bedding, of a pillow and used it to wipe away any excess 'jam' that may have leaked out and encrusted my patchy skin, mottled hands rubbed transparent saliva onto the area and with the other hand did I work into the flesh a standard of cleanliness that would usually be sneered at; calling Doll thus awakening her from her slumber, I requested that she bring me another drink, preferably without cataract-infected organs, she nodded in answer and left me alone, I twisted round to gaze at the sweet sky whose blue colour was dirty and dusty, I knew there was a place for muck and animal residue for that was the atmosphere, without the particles of seemingly distasteful atrocity, there would be no cornflower painting with dashes of pigeon grey and hazy lavender that beauty-appreciators like myself to gaze meaninglessly at.

The sky had a deep mist settling overturning the soft air force and Turkish tones into more mature ones that contained a base of Prussian and royal blues, with speckles of sapphire and cobalt, cirrus-like wisps of lapis and blackberry bringing dimensions that brought contrast to the charcoal strands that webbed the predominantly pumice look, I sighed softly and drew swirls over the condensation that had formed upon the frosted glass, the crystal-like sheet was externally ribbed for maximum privacy, however, if did distort my ability to view the entirety of the upper hemispheres, lifting my patella up so I could lean it upon my scapula that was aching due to burning lactic acid that had rid the muscles of previous freshness, I felt lethargic, soreness and laziness that seeped into my being, there was no way I could compete today's tasks without some form of boost- whether I drank a cement-mixer amount of coffee and tea or took nicotine tablets to bring upon the sensation of a full night's rest, I needed some form of start- I murmured some seemingly random words, they were jumbled but I recognised it as a lullaby that I had heard in my youth:

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