This time, rather than a pure alabaster, this door was glazed an artificial shade of strong phthalo green- evenly applied, there were no visible streaks that could be seen in the brightly lit corridor- everything in said area was painted a dull, washed-out, stormy grey except the door- I had not been to this dormitory previously, perhaps it was one that was built after I left this sanctuary; lined up in an order of two boys in front, myself carrying the smallest most fragile child in my weak arms and three boys behind watching my every move, the tarnished silver doorknob was spun a quarter-turn anti-clockwise and pushed feverishly open, we crept into the dormitory with delicate footsteps, peering round the corner of the door as I snaked through, I was startled by a boy's head popping round from behind a set of dusty watery-blue tinged curtains, they looked heavy and the boy clung onto them with his bony fingers.
"Hyaro," the feverish, shivering boy whimpered weakly from my arms, "Ae hyav mai khyoise."
The boy behind the drapery eye's widened in disbelief, he appeared to be shocked for a moment before breaking into a feline grin- thin lips spread widely across the unblemished skin, he slipped of the window ceiling before wincing as he hit the frozen floor, toddling over, he gestured for him to take the body; I gently lay it in the shorter boy's stretched out arms, he nodded in appreciation as the smile contracted to a rose-bud neutral, he lay it on the closest bed and gazed morosely, staring intently at the boy's sullen sunken scowl, they both melted into blank concentration as the submissive child breathed out and drifted into the realms of regeneration- the male towering over the limp, loose, limbs of the seemingly lifeless body, he grasped the clammy right leg and left arm and pressed himself onto the frail carcass and bestowed love onto the child. Well, that was certainly not at all surprising considering when I was facilitated here they had much more obscure ways of showing affection and bonds between assigned between certain people- I recall my first time being initiated for the-
The curtain-boy calmly collected his stature and pivoted round to face my direction, as he did so a small smile spread across his lips, grabbing an iron-legged chair as he came- the metal spokes dragged across the frigid floor causing harsh clawing sounds that resembled the sound of dentistry tools drilling deep into the anchoring roots, resonating through the entirety of my ear canal it seared away the surface of the ciliated cells and burnt through the pleasant silence that drowned the solemn site- I clawed my ears and plugged fingers into the tubes to failingly attempt to block out any forms of the that ghastly sound, the frightful ugliness was abruptly stopped and I sighed in thankful relief; plopping down on the hard plastic seat, the boy's head tilted to the side and mouth drooled milky saliva as he did so, he gestured for me to advance towards him and as I trembled as I strolled, he giggled- sadist; I sneered at his wheezing antics, he whimpered in false hurt, my mouth was was set in a fixed scowl as I approached him- reaching his left arm behind his sanitary clothes, he brought out another letter and a small clock, it was another of the same variety but had green font instead of the standard black, the clock was a typical metal alarm clock with a faded red smiley-face painted on.
He handed over the items once I was in arm's reach, then twisting my wrist over to reveal the pale flesh, I slapped his iron-grip away and scratched the paper-like skin with sharp, uncut nails, he growled and retreated further back into the chair- leaning back, he rocked back gently, swaying with the beat of the tuneless whistle he blew- casting the letter deep into my pocket, I grasped the clock and watched as a taller boy- somewhat near my own height- tapped me on the shoulder; gesturing for me to follow him, I held his cool, callous and clammy hands loosely, we walked as a pair until we reached another room, I recognised this hall easily, breaking into a toothy grin, I pinpointed it as a 'Grub Room'- a long rectangular room with whitewash walls that were stained with graffiti and food, the surfaces of this room were shrivelled and peeled, the layers of frugal emulsions tattered, nobody had bothered as of recently to replace them- racing towards the counter, boy scrambling behind, I reached into a cabinet in hopes of finding an edible morsel, inside the pantry area there was a broad range of food containers meant to serve a variety of dietary requirements- I recalled children, all boys, drinking a bubbly concoction of washing fluid and petrol to ease their pain, told that the burning sensation was the removal of unwanted substances, they drank their organs out- smiling at the beautiful memory, I opened a drawer to reveal cans of unopened grease- considered an extreme delicacy that was only eaten on rare occasions and even then, we were only given a lick of the oily lubricant- I dove straight for it, my eyes were set on the target and I hounded the can, peeling it back with a serrated knife, after revealing the fatty substance I gave roughly a teaspoon of it to the boy, he looked at me with disbelief and savoured it, with every pinch of it in his mouth came cries of mundane ecstasy- I smirked at his reactions then proceeded to feast on the congealed lipids, the greasy fatuous glory slipping down my parched throat.
He looked my direction longingly as he greedily stared at my frantic craze for the oily matter, I took the corroded baby-spoon out of his mouth and scooped another stingy tablespoon out of the remaining fifth from the can and shovelled the remainder into my system, feeling smugly satisfied, he tugged my hand- his firm grip was greasy with the fatuous substance- I inwardly smiled as we made our return to the other children but half-way up the staircase he stopped, his face broke into a smile revealing toothless gums, just pink- he realised that I was staring and broke into an embarrassed blush, pivoting round, he fiddled into a pocket in his gown and pulled out something in which he inserted into mouth, turning back round, he resumed beaming at me in an awkward manner- inserted into his gums were sharp objects such as broken glass and pen nibs, they were wonkily placed and looked uncomfortable; finally breaking the eye contact, he carried on walking and spat the items out of his mouth and returned the saliva-covered objects to his pocket, we returned to another room, not the one with the other children, confused, I spun my attention onto him.
Lunging at me, we made face to face contact.
"Wha-" I was cut off by his seemingly random action.
Shushing me silent, I let him do whatever he was doing- this was growing increasingly awkward as the other boys filed into the room, I knew this was another dorm decorated in a similar manner to the one previously and indirectly came to the conclusion that this was in the same wing but a separate room- the boys stared at us blankly, as if unsure as to what to say.
Breaking the contact, "What was that for?" I stammered weakly.
He just smiled, the other boys came and snatched him away from me as I noticed that he had teeth, where did they come from? Running the soft muscle of my tongue over my gums, I realised that my teeth were missing too...
Albino Child
General FictionI am a result of the facility. I am not the only one. Please save me from God.