Chapter 10:

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Chapter 10:

My due date is 2 weeks away and getting more and more strained every day. We've taken everything into account, even moving into a permanent hospital room for the time being. The kicking pains were definitely getting worse, so bad at times that medicine and painkillers barely had affect. Harry took off band duty since it was kind've a pause in between touring, telling his management simply that it was a family issue. They had given him a week but he pushed it, explaining it to me as he would stay as long as it takes, it didn't matter what they'd say. I wish I could believe him but I can see how worried he is. He may not act like its a big deal but this band is his livelyhood. To be threatened to be kicked out is bugging him a lot more than it may look.

I hate the hospital feel. Most everyone is gloomy except the nurses, who are always seemingly estatic. Harry spends most his day here, usually falling asleep on the couch at night, just to be woken up by a crossing nurse entering the room. He'd jerk up, dazily look from the nurse to me, then slowly collapse back into his pillow. He just would not go back to the apartment, no matter what I did. He said he needed to be there if anything happened. It was sweet, of course, but he was once again wearing himself out.

Today was worse. Cramps across my stomach combined along with Greyson kicking any barrier between us down and morning sickness came together for an absolutely horrible day. Harry was trying at least, insistently calling the nurse in that came to the point where she didn't come when we called. It'd be maybe an hour later. That wasn't a great thing to gain, calling so much that they'd ignore your calls. He was just so worried I had started contractions due to the gritting pain shooting through me. The nurse had kept saying that it was nothing but bad kicking and that the baby will definitely come early. The fact that the contractions will be worse than the pain I'm feeling right now just makes me dread it. I mean, I want to see Greyson, of course, but the pain of getting him out is driving me nuts.

All I can tell Harry is that I'm alright though I'm not. He just sits straight at my bedside, tearing his hair apart trying to find a way to ease my pain. It's driving him slowly mad, seeing me in pain yet unable to do anything about it. I feel bad for him, seeing him gripping on my hand with his other hand digging into his curls.

"Har, p-please don't pull your hair out," I laugh, gently easing his hand from his hair. He glances up, eyes almost innocent-looking in the moment. "I'm fine, okay? Don't look like that."

"I didn't know childbirth made the dad go through pain," He breathes, releasing it into a laugh that catches into my own until we're both laughing. I give his hand a slight squeeze.

"How long do you give him?"

"Tomorrow, I'm guessing. I hope, at least. I want all of this over so we can just be happy with our little family." He smiles as if remembering some frequent daydream. I nod. I can't decide if I want the baby sooner rather than later. I still don't even know if I'm ready for all this. I know Harry is, by the look in his eye is enough to tell me that, but am I truly?

"Am I ready to be a mother? Is that a thing that you can tell about yourself?" I hear myself say outloud.

He moves his gaze from my stomach under the many blankets up to my eyes, searching my own. That same innocence twinkles slightly from somewhere in those green specks highlighted. There is a deeper, honest look evident as well.

"Tay, I can tell you are. The way you light up or just the way you look at him tells me how ready you are. I don't think you can prepare for something like parenthood but you can visually see when someone's has that little spark and you have it. You are so ready, whether you know it or not,"

I take a deep breath, "I don't know how you are at your age but I can just tell how ready you are."

"I am so ready. I want us to have a family. I want us to just have a life together, Taylor. I love you and I want us to just rely on eachother." He frames my face that frizzes at my hairline, I probably look horrible yet he doesn't waver to pull me in for a kiss. It's a kiss I won't soon forget, one that lingers and reconnects seconds later, one that numbs all the pain better than the painkillers.

I find myself saying the words that have eluded me for so long, and I mean it when I do finally say it. I'm sure and I'm ready. And maybe I am ready to be a mother. I definitely want to have a family with Harry, just when is that question and now is that answer.

"I love you too," I reply, my breathing uneven just from looking at him. Or maybe that's the pain, I'll never know.

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