Chapter 11:

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Okay, so I didn't really know how to write out the next few scenes so it's kind of a fast forward to when they're bringin Greyson home:)

Chapter 11

You would think everything would be better after you feel that baby in your arms after a long 8 1/2 hour labor. And as much as that is true, that is such an understatement to how it feels. Greyson is just an angel to both of us. He stopped his crying as soon as he hit my arms and only whimpers slightly for Harry.

The pain was honestly worth it, he's gorgeous. A few darkish curls peak out on his bald head that brighten his bright blue eyes. I just love the mix between us that translated into him. Harrys' features are so defined in every inch of Greysons' being. From the dimples to the laugh, he's Harrys' son. He can't even talk yet but his actions speak louder, he constantly is getting into trouble.

He fits perfectly into the onesie Harry bought me the Christmas after we first got back together. Fits him too, considering he gets around pretty well in it. He wears it even now as he sits talking in his own babbling language, chewing on cheerios.

Harry had gone out to the studio early this morning, promising to return with several different groceries I was reluctant to go out for. I didn't want to bring Greyson out for any unnecessary candids anyway, he was too young for that. Besides, there was too much paparazzi wanting too much information on my music. I had definitely kept up with my writing but when I would be putting that out will be the question. I want my fans to know what's happening in my life, the tons and tons of miscommunication between the media and us. I'll probably record it and release it once Greyson gets a little older so I can do some publicity for it.

The rumors were getting pretty restless about Harry and I getting married, if we were. The truth was simple, we were in love and we both wanted Greyson to know it, but marriage was a different issue. It was a matter of time but time was what we were lacking. He was insanely busy with the band to the point where we didn't have time for a wedding. We felt we were married, a paper wasn't much to prove that. Of course I wanted a wedding like any girl would, its something I've dreamt of sense I was little. I think we will when we truly find the right time. We've talked about it often and ended up creating a never ending conversation picking up where the other left off.

The sound of the door opening brings me back from my reverie to my current position where I'm staring at the giggling baby in front of me. I smile back at him and pick up the nearby pacifier for him. He latches onto it as soon as it gets in range, sucking on the little item like it's his lifeline.

"Where is my boy?" Harrys' voice comes through the hallways, ending up bouncing into the kitchen. We had bought a little beach house like we had once planned, its cute. It's also so simple that I actually enjoy the transition from big and glamorous to small and contemporary.

He makes his appearance with open arms, grin wide and mouth open as he enters the kitchen. He runs up, dropping the grocery bags carefully on the ground before finding his way to the already giddy Greyson. They are absolutely twins and I love it. They both adore eachother so whenever Harry nears Greyson, they both light up.

"There he is!" He scoops him up from the high chair with a exasperated sigh, lurching him up almost to the ceiling before lowering him to his hip. Greyson bursts into a fit of giggles as Harry pecks his forehead and turns his attention back to me. "Hey babe, how are you holdin' up?"

I return his peck on the lips, "Pretty good. Did you get the groceries?"

"Mhm, I thought we just bought milk though?" He asks.

"That baby goes through milk like it's going out of style, I swear." I say as I point. Greyson takes my pointing as a joke and bursts out into his contagious laughter.

"Aw, don't pick on Grey. He's like his daddy, aren't ya, lad?" He smiles down at the baby who he now cradles in his arms. His phone tucks out of his hand under Harrys' loose cradle. He's been insistant about the pictures lately, taking one as much as he can. I was more about the videos but Harry took pictures of us and Greyson as much as he could. His sister had gave us a little sailors outfit to which Harry immediately seemed a liking to, immediately posting a picture of Greyson all dressed up in his outfit captioned with 'What a lad'.

The outrageous cheesiness was definitely a trait passed down through the family. Greyson would laugh at Harrys' jokes as if he could understand them while I just say there smirking at him.

"So, I was thinkin'.." Harry smiles, wrapping both arms around me now after returning him to his chair. He nuzzles his nose into my neck, lying kisses to my shoulderblade. "Maybe we can get Niall to watch the kids tonight and we can go have dinner at a nice restaurant."

I scoff, "Niall? Are you kidding? The boy put a fake spider on Theo! We are not leaving Greyson with him!" Harry follows me in our laughter as all his incidents with babies come to mind.

"Fine, fine. Ask one of your friends, either way we have reservations at 121 Main tonight," I can feel his smirk brush against my hair. I turn quickly, gripping on his forearms.

"121 main? Harry, that's one of the most expensive restaurants I know!" I half shout.

"And that's only the start of the night," He murmurs, pulling me closer enough to press into a kiss that leads to several more until I gently tug away, looking at Greyson who toys with his cheerios.

"He's so much like you." I murmur against his shirt which I now grip.

"He is a pretty fit kid, isn't he?" He laughs, kissing the top on my head gently. "Ah, I know. He's got your eyes though."

"True. Hey, let me call around and see if anyond is around to babysit, okay?" I peck his lips once more before going off to try and find someone that isn't busy enough to babysit a kid on a Saturday night.

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