Devils grave

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Poem, could be converted as a song though.

Sometimes I notice how the whole world seems to live around you, seems to laugh around you.

It's strange to like someone who couldn't appreciate it in the same way

Yet, there's always another force pushing a million pounds in the other direction

I see you and the girl of your dreams dancing in a pond of future, hope, and everything you two could ever need and I wonder....

Will either of you ever understand the
way I hid under a structure buried 2000 feet under just so you two could have enough peace to dance above me.

A million more times I allowed you to dance above me and every day that goes by where I do not see your face and I'm buried in what feels like the devil's grave I wonder

if you'll notice my soul for once, that we'll tie together as delicate as weak guitar strings that I've always hoped would be found one day, no force able to pull a million pounds away.

I've always hoped and prayed someday you'd pull me out of the devil's grave.

I pushed myself out of the way,

Just to make room. For. You.

I watched as you two stuck together

Like untrue glue and I was always standing under you, hoping one day you'd pull me out toward the sky, that you'd wrap your tight vine of an arm around mine, that you'd be mine.

Then I was pulled back into the rubble, the dirt, the darkness I had been thrown in, as always, seeing your face one last time is the only light I ever need to survive from.

Still I wait as I am dug deeper, and darker in what seems to be, the devil's grave

Crisp, rough, new, old and made.

I am stuck in the devil's grave


Pull me from the unnatural

devil's grave.

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