Chapter 6: Reality Check

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"Julia honey, relax. Your pulse and breath rate are skyrocketing." A women's voice whispered

I let out a small sigh. It was all just a dream. I felt the tip of a straw tap on my lip and I quickly grabbed it in my mouth and began to sip. I was so thirsty.

"Alright sweetie. I'm going to put this small oxygen tube against your face. You will start to feel small puffs of air come out the tube and up your nose. This will ensure that you don't loose oxygen while your under anesthesia."

I wasn't really paying attention when she started to talk, but the second the word "anesthesia" left her lips, I tensed up. I've always had a fear of being put under. I've heard many stories of people being put under, and never waking up. My sore body began to shake. My heart sped up and my monitor began beeping like crazy, which made me even more tense. I WANT TO LEAVE! WHY AM I HEAR! I JUST WANT TO GO HOME! I felt tears weld up in my eyes. It stung, bad, but I didn't care. I cried, hard.

"Sweetie calm down. It's ok." The nurse said softly.

I didn't pay attention. I cried and cried. The repetitive throbbing in my eyes made me cry even more. My body became very hot. A mixture of sweat and tears trickled down my face. Alarms began beeping all around me.

"Doctor? Doctor??? DOCTOR?!?!?!" The nurse screamed.

The doctor rushed in.

"What's wrong?" He asked panting.

"I don't know. I just said something about anesthesia and she flipped! Her pulse sped up, she turned red, she burst into tears, and her temperature spiked." The nurse replied.

I heard someone run out of the room and seconds later run back in. I heard the sound of water trickling into a bucket. A cool rag was placed on my forehead which startled me. All I wanted was to see my mom, or at least know she's here.

"Mom. Mom. Mom." I whispered helplessly.

I felt someone come closer to me.

"Autumn, go get her mother." the doctor said sternly.

I could tell even she was scared by the slight shake in her voice. I heard footsteps quickly fade. I laid there, half scared to death.

"Now Julia, I promise you that Autumn is getting your mom. Unfortunately, I still have to get you hooked up. So just relax ok? Please. This is hard for me too. I hate seeing anyone like this, especially someone as sweet as you." The doctor said holding my hand.

I had a strong feeling that she is saying these things just to calm me down. I knew that she didn't know me from anywhere else, but at this point, reassurance was reassurance, no matter if she meant it or not. I decided that I needed to relax. This doctor won't lie I just know it. I could tell by the way she spoke, that my mom was coming. I took in a deep breath and let it out. I needed to be strong for my parents. Even though I can't remember anything that had happened or why I'm here, I do remember that I was always known as the strong one of the family. I forced my tense body to relax.

"That a girl" the doctor said.

She walked over to my hand that had the IV in it.

"Alright Julia, I'm going to take out your IV and put in a new one."

I felt her slightly tug on my arm and seconds later felt a slight pinch which made my hand clinch. I heard a loud, long beep from one of the machines as she began to unwrap something from my arm.

"Ok. One more thing, I promise." replied the doctor.

"I'm going to put small gel pads on your chest and under your arm. They won't hurt, but the will be a little cold, so just relax."

The cold gel pad was placed onto my chest. She was right, it was cold. I flinched as she put the second one under my arm. She then apologized for scaring me and told me that my mother would in in a minute. I slowly nodded my head the tiniest bit, hoping she would have understood that I heard what she said. I heard her exit the room, and I stayed there, patiently waiting for my mother.

Sorry for such a short chapter! I will continue tomorrow :). I just found inspiration to keep at this story. Thanks for all the feedback! It means a ton :) Did you enjoy this chapter? Comment if u did! Tell me what I can improve on! Thanks!!!:)

<3 ~Katie :)

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