No One

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Harley's eyes slowly fluttered open, blinking repeatedly at the bright light above her. She was lying on bed of some sort, but it was horridly uncomfortable, nothing like the soft beds at Dr. Angela's house. She was so incredibly tired, and could hardly comprehend what was going on around her. She could hear someone rattling off curses around her, but she couldn't tell who it was or what they were even upset about. She closed her eyes again, avoiding the bright light.

She had no idea where she was, and that scared her. The last thing she remembered was being in the bathroom, about to use the pregnancy test. What if she was at the hospital? What if there was something wrong with the baby? What if the baby had died inside of her? What if there even was a baby? She squeezed her eyes tighter, scared of what might happen to her. The curses got louder, and the noise of shattering glass made its way through the endless sea of questions she had.

Suddenly, the light swung away. She nervously opened her eyes, waiting for the dancing spots in her vision to go away. When she could finally see clearly, she saw the Joker staring down at her. She smiled, a warmth flowing through her so fast it felt like a virus. She was just about speechless. Just about.

"You came for me," she whispered, her voice sore and cracked.

"No I didn't," her Puddin' sneered, his face evil. "No one wants you. No one ever wanted you." Harley's brain shut down as he pulled the gun from behind his back and put the trigger to her head.

She didn't even hear the gunshot.

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