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Evil, little men and women, torture men, women and children, for their kicks and their enjoyment, without knowing their actions would severely damage their victims, why can't they see that they're destroying the lives of the innocent?

Their acts are barbaric, they're seen as inhuman, what their victims have to go through is tragic, why can't they just leave them alone and stop being so cruel.

They say their past is to blame, that everything they do is for attention, they need to be put to shame, and have dirt thrown upon them.

Their victims carry on with great courage, their understanding of life can't be shadowed, by their past dealings with their personal carnage, and need help and guidance to see the positives from their treasured hope, that they get from friends and family, who've supported them all the way through this tragedy.

Hopefully good will conquer the world, and we won't have to live through worries and fear, one day kids won't feel like they're living in the cold all alone, and realise that there's people In this world that're willing to help them here, they'll get stronger, then one day the abusers will become weaker, and have no power.

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