12 - "Thank You Dr. Grey."

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Narrator's POV

February 17th, 2018

Mia knocked on the hospital door as she slowly opened it, Austin following her footsteps as she went inside. Michele laid on the bed with a dazed smile across her face as she looked at the newly wedded couple. A doctor was inside the room, a tablet in her hands as she gave a curt nod towards Austin and Mia before exiting. 

"Mom, how have you been?" Austin asked, his voice hoarse from his throat trying to close up on him. Tears pinched the back of his eyes as he recalled what Dr. Grey had just told him, there wasn't much time left for her. There was nothing else she could do. A couple of months, maybe even less than that is all she had left. Austin couldn't cope with that fact, he couldn't lose her. . .

"Not so good, but don't worry about me baby. I've found peace with this, you should too. I have to leave sometime."

"Mom, stop." Austin mumbled, trying not to cry.

"Come here honey." Michele sighed opening up her arms as she scooted over in her bed to make some room for Austin, as he climbed onto it laying down with her as Michele's arms wrapped around him. He stayed snuggled up in her arms throughout their visit as Michele and Mia talked about memories from the past until it was time for them to leave.

On their way out Dr. Grey stopped them. 

"So nice meeting the both of you

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"So nice meeting the both of you. Your mother is very lovely and I assure you she's in good hands. Have a good night you two." She smiled nodding her head reassuringly. 

"Thank you Dr. Grey." Austin breathed in relief, knowing his mother was being taken care of by the best doctor there was. 

"We'll see you on our next visit." Mia smiled as Dr. Grey walked out of sight giving her a thumbs up as she did.

As they both walked out of the hospital Mia took few glimpses at Austin who was frowning as he walked to the car. Mia took note of his mood and decided to ask him if he was okay, which resulted in him telling her to 'shut the hell up because it was none of her business'. Now Mia was the one frowning as she walked to the car. 

Their ride home was silent as was once they got home. Mia went into her bedroom as Austin went into his. A few hours later Mia got hungry so she took the chance to go and get some food from the kitchen, where Austin already stood. He was cooking burgers on a skillet. Thinking he made one for her considering there were two cooking she sat down waiting for him to finish. He noticed she was wearing her glasses for the first time since Dean. He didn't like Mia's glasses so she never wore them when she was together with him. Austin scowled internally at the mention of that asshole's name in his head.

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