Are Things Different?

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Waking up without Corie next to me was something I could not get used to. But to be honest, I didn't really sleep well. Do y'all think I went to far? I think I had the right to ask my girlfriend if she's interested in someone else. I mean, I trust her and I love her. Laying in bed and thinking right now is getting too much for me, but I don't have the strength to get up out of bed, at least not yet. I know Corie & I will get past this, at least I hope.

Waking up in my parent's bed was something I haven't done since I was a little kid. It was a weird but comforting feeling for me. For a split second, I almost forgot why I was here. Fighting with Pryce is something I can't get used to. We barely do it, but when we do, it's like cats & dogs. I get out of the bed, walking to the bathroom to do my morning hygiene. I grab an unopened toothbrush from under the sink and the toothpaste. I rinse my face & then headed downstairs. I smelled bacon and eggs, my favorite, the scent flowing around the house. I walk into the kitchen and my mom in a floral maxi dress, her long back hair is straighten down her back.
"Morning." My mom turned around at the sound of my voice, giving me a polite smile.
"Morning honey. How'd you sleep?" She takes the bacon out of the pan, placing them on the plate, and turning off the stove. I sat down at the dining room table, watching my mom make me a plate that contained, bacon, eggs, grits and pancakes. She brought the plate over to me along with a glass of Orange juice.
"Thank you. I slept as well as I could considering the fact of what happened last night."
"Do you wanna talk about it, mera chhota bandar." I smiled a little at the nickname that was giving to me at birth. It means my little monkey in Hindi.
"I just don't know mommy. Things have changed over the course of these 5-6 years being with him. I mean, I know I love him but what if his feelings are changing about me, what if he's bored of me you know? Maybe he's pushing me away because he's found someone better and I--"
"Stop it. Now you and I both know that Pryce loves you. If you guys end, it will not be because he found someone better, because obviously there's no such thing." We both share a laugh.
"Corie, look at me sweetheart," I make eye contact with her, "Just talk to him. The quicker y'all talk, the quicker you can get out my house." She says laughing while patting my cheek.
"Wow! Really mommy? That's how you feel?" I laugh along with her.
"I love you but you moving out has done wonders for your father's and I sex life."
"Eww. Go away." Laughter filled the room once more and I just so happened to forget about my problems.

I was now sitting on the swing in Jawan's parents backyard. I was waiting for him to come back out with drinks. Very strong drinks, may I add.
"Henny and Pepsi with a drop of vodka." I smile hearing that combination. He hands me the red cup and sits right next to me.
"So what's been going on? Why you come over here bothering me on this nice beautiful day."
I take a sip of my drink, the burning sensation isn't as bad as I thought.
"Me and Corie bruh, I don't know what to do. It's been really weird between us lately."
"Last night. I accused her of cheating." I say putting my head down.
"Cheating? Man, now I haven't known Corie that long but even I could see that she loves the hell out of your nugget headass."
I let out a little laugh, knowing he was right.
"I love the hell out of her too. 6 years. 6 straight years, I've been with this girl and I don't know maybe we're drifting."
"I don't know too much about relationships, being so I'm a player and all," I laugh at this dumbass because he was deadass serious, "but maybe y'all just need a get away or something. Get away from ATL and go somewhere tropical or some shit."
"Yea, maybe. I'll think about it." He nods his head.
"I'm glad I was happy to help you in your time of need." He says standing up.
"Wait. You're such a player but what happened to that broad you brought to the Halloween party? You introduced her as your girl and everything." I say trying to contain my laughter.
"Nigga shut the hell up. That bitch was annoying. She thought, "oh I met his friends so I must be wifey now." Like she was getting really clingy, blowing up my phone 25/8." He says shaking his head mumbling other shit under his breath. I just laugh at this fool and his stupid ass ways.
"Anyway, You and Corie better work out because I was lurking on her Instagram and her best friend is fine as hell so Ima need her to set us up and she won't do it if y'all got problems."
"Why the hell you lurking on her page?"
"So I could fine her fine ass friends." He says in a 'duh' tone. "I mean all due respect brother, but your girl is very attractive and very attractive girls have sexy ass friends."
I just look at him with a bored tone wondering if he ever shuts the fuck up.
All I know is that I miss my little bunny and I wish I wasn't so stupid.


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