Date Night.

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"What time are the reservations?" Corie ask stepping out the bathroom with her towel.
"At 7. And its only 6 so we got some time to have some fun." I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck.
"How about after dinner because it takes awhile to get ready." She pushes me off her and sits at her vanity.
"Real quick. It'll take at least 30 minutes." I say kissing her neck again.
"And I need that time to get ready. Now move." She says rolling her eyes.
"Fine. I didn't want your ass anyway." She busts out laughing.
"Oh honey, you always wanted this ass." She turns and winks at me.


"ARE YOU DONE?!" I yell up to her. If she don't hurry we gonna miss our reservation. Im kinda happy we didn't have sex because lawd this lady takes forever.
"OMG CORIE LET'S GO! IM HUNGRY AS A BITCH!" I yell grabbing my keys. "I'LL ME IN THE CAR!" I looked at my watch and noticed we had 10 minutes to get to the restaurant and I really had some big news to share with her and it would be easier to share when she has food in her system. I roll my eyes and looked back up and see her finally walking out the house. She looked sexy as fuck, but I wasn't gonna tell her that because she took 10 years.
"About time." I mumble as she closes the car door and puts on her seatbelt. When we pulled up to the restaurant, it was 7 on the dot. The ride was silent, I guess she had a attitude but I wasn't going to entertain her.
"Name?" The man at the front asked.
"Ah, Mr. Watkins,you're right on time. Right this way." He leads us to the table and tells us our waiter will be with us shortly.
"This restaurant is beautiful." Corie says admiring the place.
"Good thing we made it here on time to actually see it." I say putting on a fake smile.
"Can you not? We're here aren't we?" She says rolling her eyes. I was about to respond but our waitress came over.
"Hi, I'm Gloria and I'll be your server today." She was staring at me the whole time. Corie clears her throat and Gloria turns towards her.
"Keep it professional or things will get ugly." Corie says with a smile on her face.
"Sorry Ma'am. Can I start you guys off with something to drink?"
"I'll take a ice water with lemon." She writes down Corie's drink.
"And you sir?"
"I'll have the same but without ice." She nods.
"Would you guys like an appetizer?"
"Its up to you." I say looking at Corie. She looks down at the menu and decides on ordering bruschetta. I've never had it before but Corie says it's good.
"I'll be back soon with your order."
"Do you have any shoots coming up?" I ask breaking the silence.
"No. But I do have a fashion show coming up."
"Oh yeah? When?"
"Next week. I just found out today." She says biting her nails.
"What are you nervous about?" I squint my eyes at her.
"The fashion show is in New York. And I have to stay in New York for a couple of weeks." She mumbles fast thinking I wouldn't hear her.
"A couple of weeks? All for one fashion show?" I lean back in my chair.
"But you know they have to promote and stuff."
"Well I mean I'm not mad. I can't be mad because I have some news too." Just as I was about to continue Gloria came back with our drinks and the bruschetta.
"I'll be back in a couple of minutes to check on you." I politely smile and she walks away.
"What's the news you have to share?" She asks taking a bite of the bruschetta.
"Remember how I told you that Sidd had me working with these otha fellas?" She nods letting me know I could continue. "Well our manager thought that it would be a good idea to promote ourselves, so we're going on a promotion tour... for 2 months." She puts her food down and stares at me.
"When do you leave?" She ask pouting.
"At the end of the month." She nods and forces a smile.
"I'll be back my then. So we can have a week to spend together before you leave."
"You're taking this better than I thought you would."
"I mean I can't be selfish and tell you stay. This is your career, and I support you 100%." I nod and lean over to kiss her.
"I love you so much."
"I know." She smiles and flips her hair over her shoulder.
When we arrived back home, we took a bubble bath together. I took a picture of her to post to Instagram later.

 I took a picture of her to post to Instagram later

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"After we get out I have a surprise for you." She says winking at me.
"Are we gonna finish what we started earlier?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows at her.
"Maybe. It depends on how well you take my surprise."
"Hell I'm getting impatient now lets go." I hop out and run into the bedroom to get dress, hearing her laughing behind me.
"Okay, okay. Get in the bed and get comfortable, while I change.
"You dont gotta tell me twice." I hop in bed and prepare for the show.
"You ready, baby?"
"Yea." I call back. She walks out of the closet in a native american costume. I look at her confused because I thought she was about to come out in some lingerie.
"What is this?"
"Option one of 3 of my Halloween constume. I know Halloween is in 3 months but I still wanna be prepared you know? Just in case I wanna change it or something." I nod, still confused on this situation.
"Well do you like it?"

"You look hot, but are you wearing that out in public?""Not really public, I was thinking of having an Halloween party here/housewarming

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"You look hot, but are you wearing that out in public?"
"Not really public, I was thinking of having an Halloween party here/housewarming."
"I'll think about it. Now go try on the other two." She nods and goes back in the closet. I hope after all of this I get some pussy. She better not leave me with blue balls.
"Costume number two." She says walking out in a school girl outfit.
"Mhmmm. Me likey." I say standing up and walking over towards her.

" I say standing up and walking over towards her

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"Looking hot mama." I say kissing her neck.
"Wait, I have one more costume to show you." She says trying to push me off.
"I can't wait any longer baby." I say kissing her lips and making my way down to her neck. She moans. It's like music to my ears.
"Pryce." She moans in my ear.
"Take this shit off." I grumble.
"Yes daddy." She pushes me on the bed and starts unbuttoning her shirt and throws it on the ground leaving her topless.
"No bra? Does that mean you have no panties?"
She nods. I scooted back so that I was leaning on the headboard. She crawls over to me and kisses on my chest leading up to my lips. She straddles me, sucking on my neck leaving a mark. Its gonna be a long night.


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