Baby Shower.

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It's baby shower day and I'm so excited to learn the genders of my baby. I have about 2 more months left of pregnancy and excited is an understatement. I just want my babies to be healthy, I don't care about the genders.
The theme of the shower is Dr. Seuss and absolutely love it. Only my mom and Aaliyah know the genders, but I tried to help with as much planning as I could, even though the only thing they really had me do was pick out food. The shower started in about 2 hours and Pryce and I were currently picking out outfits for today.
"Ima wear this white maxi dress with my gold sandals. You need to match me." I say to Pryce as he turns to me holding up a white button up shirt. I nod my head and go over to his side of the closet, pushing him out of the way.
"You can wear that button up shirt with white jeans and your gold 6's. You think that would work?"
"Sure baby." He says while wrapping his arm around my waist and putting his hand on my belly.
"Ooh baby, do you know what we have to do?" I say as I get out of his grip and walk out the closet.
"What do we have to do?" He says following behind me and sitting on the bed.
"We need maternity pictures. Oh my fucking gosh we should have did that before the baby shower. Im so fucking stupid." I say as I sit on the bed next to him.
"Corie it's not that serious. Aaliyah and your mom have plenty of pictures of us, before and after you got pregnant. We good baby." He says kissing the top of my head.
He bends down in front of me and lifts up my shirt to kiss my belly.
"I can't wait to meet you two, Y'all better be healthy because if you're not, mommy and daddy are going to be very upset."
I laugh a little and place my hand on his head, to play with his curls.
"I hope both of y'all are girls, so I can spoil the hell out of you."
"They are going to be boys because I said so." I say pulling his hair a little.
"I know one thing though." I say getting up and walking into the bathroom to do my face mask.
"And what's that?"
"Our babies are gonna have good ass hair." I say laughing as I rub my mask in.
"Well duh, that's no surprise." I laugh at him and he comes in and goes to his sink that was next to mine, so that he could brush his teeth.
"You should let me put this mask on your face. It really does wonders for your skin."
He rinses his mouth and goes to turn on the shower.
"Im good baby, my skin is fine."
"But how much longer do you think it's going to stay that way? Think about your skin in the long run, babe."
He starts stripping, his eyes never leaving mine.
"The only thing Im worried about is if you're gonna get naked with me and join me in this shower."
He walks towards me, soon enough he was standing right in front of me. So close that I could smell his fresh breath. He places thumb and pointer finger on my chin and lifted my head up. His lips lingered over mine, softly brushing over them before taking a step back and getting in the shower, with a smirk on his face.
"You're such a tease Pryce Watkins."
"Only for you Corie Alexander."
A smile played upon my lips, before I exited the bathroom. I would have gone and bothered Aaliyah but she was already at venue, decorating and getting everything together.
I placed Pryce's and I clothes on the bed along with our accessories and such. Once I was done, I sat at my vanity, admiring my features, and just day dreaming about what our babies are gonna look like. Are they gonna look like Pryce? Are they gonna look like me? Are they gonna be a mixture of both Pryce and I? The questions that were running through my head were endless.
"BABE CAN YOU HAND ME MY TOWEL!" I roll my eyes and sighed, not really wanting to get up.
"I DON'T FEEL LIKE GETTING UP!" I hear him laugh and the bathroom door opens. Exiting was a wet, naked, Pryce. Instantly, there was a sudden wetness going on in between my thighs.
"Like what you see?" Pryce says in a husky voice and a smirk on his face.
I nod my head, not really knowing how to form words at the moment. I don't know what the problem was with me because I have seen Pryce both wet and naked. These hormones are gonna have to calm down because I really wanna jump on Pryce like a lion tackles a gazelle.
Pryce stood in front of me and his lips were moving but I didn't hear no sound coming from them. He snaps his fingers in my face and get out of my trance.
"I said go take a shower so we can start getting ready. I left the water running for you."
"Okay daddy." I get up and wobble my big belly into the bathroom. I take off my clothes and got in the shower and doing my hygiene routine. I get out the shower and brush my teeth before returning to the bedroom.
Pryce was talking on the phone, laying on the bed. He only had on his white jeans and some socks and I must say my baby was looking good. I put on my lotion my deodorant, and put on my undergarments. I didn't want to put on my dress just yet so I laid in bed with Pryce. I wondered who he was talking to, so I just stared at him until he was done.
"Who was that?"
"Who's Kelly?" I say scrunching my eyebrows together.
"Remember my mom's best friend, Ms. Wanda, that's her daughter. She heard that you were pregnant and that the baby shower was today, so I invited her and gave her the information."
"Have I met her before?"
"Yes. You met her at my parent's Christmas party last year."
"I don't recall meeting a Kelly."
"I remember you meeting Kelly, so that's all that matters."
I checked my phone to see if I got any messages from Aaliyah or mom but my notifications were dry.
"Well since we inviting people, I might as well tell you that I invited Don."
"You invited a nigga to a baby shower? He gay or something?"
"No the fuck. He's my friend and you invited Jawan and Dylan, so what's the difference?"
"Jawan and Dylan are my homies and I call them niggas my brothers. Don is some nigga you worked with once."
"He's my friend." I got out of bed and walked over to my vanity, so that I can straighten my hair.
"All I know is that he better not cause no trouble."
"All I know is that you better not cause no trouble and plus I think it would be good for everyone if you actually met him."
"I don't care to meet him." I roll my eyes and start to straighten my hair.
"You get on my nerves you know that."
"Right back at cha." He says laughing.
30 minutes later I finish straightening my hair and I started to actually put on clothes. I accessorized my white dress with a gold flower crown and my gold MK watch.

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