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History was Bianca's least favorite class. Why did she have to learn when the hell did the civil war even start? She didn't care at all about the class, and she would have probably fallen asleep if it weren't for the buzzing that came from her watch.

"Oh shit," she mumbled under her breath, she had to get out of there.

She raised her hand when the teacher looked her way and spoke with fake pain on her voice.

"Can I go to the nursery? I'm not feeling very well," the lied rolled of her tongue as if it were nothing as she clutched her stomach and put the best sick face she could master. She was an expert at this, acting was her speciality.

The teacher nodded and Bianca scrambled to her feet as she gathered her things. She made her way out the door, and when she knew she was out of sight, she started running. She wasn't the fastest,but she made it just in time, the three other girls were waiting for her next to Clare's locker, their reunion spot.

"Took you long enough," said Clare with a smirk.

Bianca rolled her eyes as she tried to regain her breath.

"Okay girls, we gotta go now," said Ilse, she turned to Clare, "your parents should be waiting for us."

They made their way to Clare's black polished car. Once inside, Jasine opened a compartment to make sure their weapons were there while Clare drove.

They made it to the agency in record time, that's what they were trained for. The building looked like a normal office from the outside, but it held a bigger secret inside. Clare's parents were waiting for them. They changed into their special outfits: bulletproof suits, gun holders strapped to their thighs, combat boots, and every secret weapon you could imagine.

They met with Clare's parents on the conference room, they sat on the table while the two adults stood in front of a large screen.

"What's new today?" Asked Jasine.

"We have a new mission for you guys," said Mrs. Casey.

"Well, tell us about it, who's butt do we have to kick today?" Clare smirked.

"It better be fast cause I want to be home for dinner today," the only thing on Bianca's mind was her mum's food.

"Girls, this is an important mission, probably the most important of your lives, and it requires time. You're gonna have to be undercover. Your mission is to protect the boys from the band 5 Seconds of Summer. You'll become their friends and gain their trust, that way they don't suspect they're being guarded, and neither do the fans or the possible threat," Mrs. Casey explained with her confident voice.

"Why do we have to protect them? Don't they have body guards or something?" Jasine scoffed.

"A series of albums have been leaked, followed by a series of threats to the artists which albums have been leaked. Until now, all of them have been males, and 5sos's management has been worried they're next, so they contacted us. And yes, they have body guards, who are going to work with you, the head of their security is Dave, you're going to go with him whenever you have problems, since we won't be able to be there with you guys," Spoke Mr. Casey in his serious voice.

"And what are we gonna tell our parents?" Asked Ilse with furrowed eyebrows. They had been working on this for a few years now, but their parents (except for Clare's obviously) still didn't know about their secret lives; it was the only way to keep them safe.

"You are going to tell them that you're going to a boarding school as exchange students."

"How long is it gonna be?" Bianca didn't like this part of her job, being away from her family was always hard for her.

"We don't have an exact amount of time, but as of right now, we say a couple months."

The four girls sat there with furrowed eyebrows, trying to process it all.
They had done undercover jobs before, but never had they spent more than a week away from home.

"Girls, I know this is hard, but remember that you are doing this to protect other people," spoke Mrs. Casey in her reassuring mum voice.

The girls each looked at each other, their eyes lingering on the others' before nodding. They knew it, and they knew the sacrifices they had to make; they had been warned about all of this from the moment they were told about the agency.

"Great!" A smile replaced Mrs. Casey's face, "each of you is going to be assigned a boy in particular to protect, but you're job is to make sure all of them are safe, at all costs."

Mr. Casey turned to the screen behind them, were a series of pictures appeared on the screen, names and ages right under them.

Bianca couldn't help but mumble under her breath, "they're hot," making all the other girls giggle.

Pointing to the first picture, Mr. Casey spoke, "Ashton Fletcher Irwin, 19 years old. Bianca, you're getting him,"Bianca smiled at his contagious dimpled smile.

Then, he pointed to the next picture, the red haired boy stood up against all of the others, " Michael Gordon Clifford, 18 years old. This one's yours Clare."

"Calum Thomas Hood, 17 years old. This one's Ilse's," the picture of the dark haired boy looked back at Ilse who nodded with a small smirk.

"Luke Robert Hemmings, 17 years old. Jasine, he's all yours," Jasine rolled her eyes, she didn't seem very fond of the blue eyed blond boy already.

"As always, I wish you girls the best of luck, and remember to be careful," With that, Mr. and Mrs. Casey left the room, leaving the girls to prepare for their mission.

The four girls stared at the pictures on the screen before looking at each other. Clare smirked, Bianca shrugged, Ilse smiled, and Jasine rolled her eyes.

They could do this. Yeah, they could do this.







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