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I took a page out of -lowkeyluke- 's book and didn't really edit soooooo


Although the girls were trained in every aspect imaginable, each of them had a specialty.

Bianca: Disguise

Clare: Fighting

Jasine: Weapons

Ilse: Research

They were the perfect team to say the least, maybe except for the fact that they were four awkward teenage girls.

"Um, have any of you guys stopped to think that we're in charge of protecting 4 teenage boys? Like, are we supposed to live with them? We don't even know what they're like?!" Bianca questioned, trying to give a little sense to her confused brain.

"Ilse-" Clare's words were interrupted by the girl's quick typing.

"On it!" She smirked. "So according to the great world of the internet, 5 Seconds of Summer, 5sos for short, is an Australian punk rock band formed by the four guys we already know about, and they started by making covers on youtube."

The curious silence was interrupted by the sound of a guitar followed by the lyrics to a song that talked about... underwear and lipstick?

"Well, they're not bad, but how are we supposed to fit in in all of this?" As soon as Jasine's words left her mouth, Mrs. Casey's voice answered her question.

"You're gonna be the band that opens their shows." Mrs. Casey stated and just like that the girls noticed the instruments that were brought in by some of the staff members.

"Mum... you're not serious about that..." Claire's incredulous words matched the other girls' expressions.

"It's not like you dont have any experience," was Mrs. Casey's only response.

"Um, it was only one time! And that was three years ago for the school's talent show! We didn't even know what we were doing!" Bianca rushed.

"Yeah! The only one who kept playing her instrument was Ilse!" At Jasine's words all eyes were turned to the wide-eyed girl.

"You'll get to train for a few days before you'll actually have to perform. I know you girls will be able to pick it up fast enough, after all, it's one of your skills," Mrs. Casey gave them a reassuring smile, "for the time being, you'll be playing covers while we figure out some originals for you girls. So, why don't you go take a look at your instruments?"

The girls' curiosity won over them as they started to make their way to the guitars and drums that were selected for them, when Mrs. Casey's voice stopped them once again.

"Oh and Bianca, I would like for you to come up with some new looks for you guys, to help you blend in better with the boys."

At this, Bianca's smile grew, "of course."

It was as if the girls themselves had picked the instruments. Everything matched their personalities perfectly, and they couldn't help but be mesmerized all the stuff.

Everything from colorful electric guitars and basses, to gorgeous acoustics, complex drum kits and microphones with duck tape of different colors and even drumsticks and guitar picks engraved with their band's name:
Why Are We Like This.

They all shared the same glimmer in their eyes, mischievous smile, and feeling of adrenaline.


"Ok guys, after looking at some of the pictures the agency provided for us about the band's aesthetic and some research on Ilse's part I've come up with new looks for all of us. Now, I know they're a little different from what we're used to, but trust me on this, these boys won't suspect anything," Bianca said proudly.

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