Come With Me, My Love (Jalex Mpreg)

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"Alexxxx!" I whined

"Jack," Alex said as he didn't look up at me.

"Alexxxxxx!" I whined a little louder.

"Jack," he said again.

"Alexander William Gaskarth!" I said loudly.

"Oh my god, what do you want?!" he asked as he finally looked up.

"Well geez, if you're going to be a dick about it, then it's not important anymore," I said.

"Jack," he said. "What even are you?"

"You're best friend who has an amazing sense of style," I said.

"You got the first part right," he said as he chuckled.

"Fuck you too!" I said.

"Whatever Jack, just grab your backpack and lets go to school," Alex said as he grabbed his own backpack.

"Fine, Mr. Pushy," I said as I bolted up the stairs to my room.

I ran into my room and grabbed my backpack. I made sure I did a hair check as well because you hair has to be perfect, even if you're not trying to impress anyone. It has to be flipped to the side perfectly and styled perfectly as well. I, Jack Barakat, am a hair perfectionist.

After I was finished, and after Alex yelling at me from the bottom of the stairs, I made my way back down the stairs. I practically ran into Alex too.

"Why are you so freaking crazy?" he asked.

"You're the one who's friends with me," I stated.

"But I can't control your actions," he said.

"But you allow me to act the way I do," I said.

"Touche," he said as he smiled.

"Exactly, now lets go to yet another day of senior year," I said as I marched out the door.

Alex and I did this just about everyday. He'd either spend the night or come over early in the morning, then I'd get ready with help from him because I can't function in the morning, and then we march off to school. It was November of our senior year, and let me tell you; this school year cannot go by fast enough. Alex and I both have big plans for the years after high school! Everything is going to fall into place, I know it! But until then, Alex and I are stuck in this prison called school for another seven months.

"I don't know what you're doing, but you're walking incredibly slow, so pick up the pace," Alex said.

"I'm thinking!" I said as I ran over to him.

"Oh god," he said. "Now I'm really scared."

"You're a dick," I said.

"Pretty much," he said as he laughed. "But this dick is your best friend."

"Pretty much," I said.

"Now walk faster or we're going to be late to school," he said.

"Who cares ugh," I groaned.

"Life," he said.

"Alright, Mr. I Know Everything About Life," I said.

"Basically," Alex said as he smirked.

After a few more minutes of walking, Alex and I finally made it to school, walking in as the bell rang. That happened like everyday, but we didn't really care. We still got to first period on time, so all is good.


"God, Mr. Kempka can go shove it up his ass," Rian said as he plopped down next to Zack, Alex, and I at our usual spot at a lunch table.

"What happened?" Zack asked.

"He gave me a fucking F on my report because I didn't do it on something HE liked," he said.

"That's fucking bullshit!" Alex said.

"I agree! He didn't give us any topics to pick from. We could do it on anything we wanted," I said.

"Exactly," Rian said. "I was getting all A's, but now I'm down to a B in that class and my dad isn't going to be happy."

"You're welcome to bunk with me so your dad doesn't flip out again," I said.

"Thanks," he said.

"All I can say is thank god it's Friday," Zack said.

"Hell yeah! You know what that means!" I said.

"Friday Movie Party Night!" everyone said in unison, which made a few people look at us.

"I enjoy the fact that we're all eightteen and we still have a movie night like we used too in like sixth grade," Rian siad as he laughed.

"We're kids at heart," Alex stated.

"Ain't that the truth!" I said as I laughed.

"Who's house is it at tonight?" Zack asked.

"Isn't it Jack's turn?" Rian asked.

"Yeah, I think so," Alex said. "And I've got the movies this time."

"Right, and I've got the popcorn," Zack said.

"And I've got the candy," Rian said. "I also enjoy the fact that we have this all planned out as well."

"Gotta be prepared!" I said as I laughed and stood up.

I brought my tray up the garbage cans and threw out everything that was on it, then I put it on the counter. The guys followed me, then we walked out of the lunchroom and went to our lockers. We grabbed our things and then walked to our next class. Same thing everyday, haha.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AFTER SCHOOL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"God, is the seven months of hell over yet?" I asked as I met up with the guys by Rian's car.

"I wish," they all said as they laughed.

"Anyway, lets head to your houses so we can get the shit for our movie night," I said as we all threw our backpacks into the trunk.

"Hey!" a girl shouted as she stopped us all from getting into Rian's vehicle.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What's up, Heather?" Alex asked.

"I know this is really last minute, but would you guys like to come to a party tonight?" she asked.

"Uh, what time?" I asked.

"It's at eight at my house," she said. "My parents are out of town and they said I could have a little party."

"I guess it couldn't hurt to stop by for a little bit," Alex said as he looked at all of us, us nodding our heads in response.

"Awesome! See you guys later!" Heather said as she walked away.

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