Running From Lions (Alex's POV)

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"And now with that being said, I want to tell our parents," Jack said.

"Y-You do?" I asked.

"Yes," he said. "I want to get it over and done with."

"Alright," I said.

"That, and I'm feeling this boost of adrenaline and I kinda wanna do this now," he said, which made me laugh.

"Well, then lets go," I said. "Yours or mine first?"

"Yours," he said, not even having to think about it.

I smiled at him, then took his hand in mine. I led him downstairs and outside into a vehicle. I quickly drove to my house, not because I was nervous, but because Jack couldn't sit still in his seat, which was kind of funny actually.

Once we got there, Jack practically jumped out of the vehicle and ran to my side. He opened my door for me and then practically dragged me out of the vehicle. I slammed the door behind us, maybe a little too loud because we both burst into laughter, then we made our way to the front door.

I obviously didn't knock because well, it was my house and I randomly show up whenever anyway, so that's nothing new. I still had Jack's hand in mine, holding him close behind me, attempting to hide his baby bump under his already huge sweatshirt. It seemed to work because one we walked into the living room, my parents just smiled at us and went back to whatever they were doing. Before I walked away from Jack, I made sure his sweatshirt was covering his stomach pretty good, then I stepped off to the side. My parents would look at me weird the whole time if I was practically blocking Jack from them.

"Mom, dad, can we talk to you?" I asked.

"Of course, dear!" my mom said as she turned the tv off.

"What's up, son?" my dad asked.

"Well, since you're my parents, I'll tell you," I sighed.

"Is everything alright?" my mom asked.

"Somewhat," Jack said as he chuckled.

"Yeah," I said as I chuckled as well. "Can you guys please be open-minded?"

"Of course!" my parents both said.

"Well, um, how about I just show you?" I said as I turned to Jack.

I looked at him and he nodded, initially telling me it was ok if I "showed my parents". I smiled at him and then mouthed that everything would be ok. After that, I glanced over at my parents, who had weird looks on their faces, but how can I blame them? I turned back to Jack who was already unzipping his sweatshirt. I gave him a small smile again and then took his sweatshirt from him, making sure I still blocked his baby bump from my parents, which seemed to be quite big when it wasn't covered by something else. After we had done that, I looked at Jack again and he smiled and gave my cheek a little kiss. I smiled back, then he nodded. And with that, I moved out of the way and let Jack face my parents.

"Guys, Jack and I are going to have a baby," I said.

"Y-You're what?" my dad asked.

"Remember the open-mindedness?" I asked as I chuckled.

"Yes, but how is that possible?" my mom asked.

"Geez, seems like a deja vu from us telling Rian and Zack," Jack said as he chuckled.

"Right?" I said as I laughed. "Anyway, it is indeed possible, but incredibly rare. I'm not going to lie, but one night, Jack and I went to a party with some friends and we wound up well, you know, doing it, and a couple of weeks after that, Jack was getting sick almost every morning, so I made him go to the doctor, where Jack explained everything. The doctor got a few more opinions and he came back to us, telling us he was pregnant. We naturally questioned it as well and he explained what I just explained to you, basically. After that, Jack went in for an ultrasound and well, we heard the heartbeat and it was pretty amazing, to be honest."

"Oh my god," my mom said as she got up. "I'm going to be a grandma!"

"Yes!" Jack and I said as we laughed and hugged her.

"Well, I'm happy for you, son," my dad said as he smiled.

"Thanks you guys," I said.

"Yeah, it really means a lot that you guys are so cool with this," Jack said as he smiled.

"Well, we love you and Alex, and you two together, so we couldn't be happier," my mom said.

After about twenty more minutes of talking everything out with my parents, we told them we had to go and tell Jack's parents. They wished us luck and told us they were happy for us once again. It felt pretty good to have my parents on our side at least.

Once Jack and I hopped back into the vehicle, I drove off back to his house, and yeah, we know it would have made more sense to tell his parents first since they were in the same house as us at that time, but whatever Jack wants, it's what he'll get.

Once we arrived back at Jack's house, he was sitting completely still in his seat and not moving. Definitely not acting like he was when we got to my house. I basically had to do what he did to me to get him out of the vehicle. I felt bad, but I'd rather just get it over with with his parents than wait and have them find out while Jack's at the hospital or something.

"You've got this, ok?" I said.

"I'm so scared," he sighed.

"I've got your back through it all, alright?" I asked.

"Thanks," he said.

"What happened to that little boost you were having?" I asked as I chuckled.

"I guess it flew south for the winter," he joked.

"It's spring," I said as I laughed. "Practically summer."

"You know what I mean," he said as he smiled. "Now lets go and get it over with."

"I've got you, babe," I said as I kissed him, then took his hand in mine.

Jack opened the door and then walked into the living toom, making sure I was blocking him again. I had to chuckle to myself, which made Jack glare at me. Once we got into the living room, Jack and I stood in front of his parents, which made them give us weird looks as well.

"Uh, guys, can we talk to you?" Jack asked.

"Sure," my mom said.

"Ok, I'm just going to flat out tell you guys," Jack sighed. "Alex and I are having a baby, and yes, before you ask, it is possible for a male to get pregnant, and that male is me, ok? And I don't care what you guys say about Alex or I, or our unborn daughter, but nothing is going to change the way I feel about either of them. I love them both so, so much already, and well, that's it."

Everything was silent for what seemed like forever. I was kind of surprised that Jack just flat out told them like he did, but also very incredibly proud of him. Mine and Jack's thinking got interrupted by his dad getting up and walking towards him.

"Don't hurt him," I said as I stood in front of him, blocking Jack.

"I'm not," his dad sighed.

"Then what are you doing?" Jack asked.

"I was doing this," he said as he rested his hand on Jack's shoulder. "I'm happy for you, son."

"R-Really?" Jack asked.

"Yes," his dad said.

"T-Thanks dad," Jack said. "That means a lot."

"I am too," his mom smiled. "How far along are you?"

"About six months," Jack said as he unzipped his sweatshirt and showed off his baby bump.

"Aww," his mom said, which made us laugh.

Well, all of this went way better than I think either of us had expected. I couldn't be happier about it.

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