Shameless (Jack's POV)

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Well, even though Alex and I just found out that we're going to have a baby, I'm actually kind of excited... We just had our first ultrasound too and it was pretty cool. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat, which was kind of a magical thing. I'm overall pretty happy, to be honest.

Although, I'm still afraid of what people are going to think of me... Once I start getting huge, I mean people ARE going to start talking and wondering. They'll think I'm a freak... I am one though. This isn't supposed to happen to guys, but it is, and it's me.


I need to stop thinking about all of this because I'm just going to freak myself out even more... But I've got a point. And how the hell are we going to tell Zack and Rian? Alex's parents? MY PARENTS?!

I am dead.

"Alex?" I asked.

"Yeah, babe?" he asked.

"Guess what I just realized," I said.

"Hmm?" he asked.

"I'm pregnant," I said.

"Well, no shit," Alex said as he laughed.

"And I'm still in high school," I said.

"Oh," he said as he glanced down for a second.

"I'll be like six and a half months before we get out of school, so there's no way I can hide it unless I wear super baggy clothes," I explained.

"Jack, everything will be ok, alright?" he asked as he pulled over to the side of the road and put his hand on mine. "If people start talking shit about you or try to hurt you in any way, I will personally kill them. No one hurts you and gets away with it."

"Thanks," I said.

"Anything for you, baby," he said as he smiled and kissed me.

"This is why I love you," I said as I chuckled. "And why I never want to lose you."

"And you never will," Alex said as he smiled again and gripped my hand tighter.

"Good," I said as I smiled back at him.

Alex pulled back onto the road and then we continued to drive back to Rian's house. That's when I got to thinking again... Rian is most likely going to ask what went down at the doctor's... What the hell am I going to tell him? I don't want him to think I'm a freak... I can't tell him.. No, not yet. I can't face anyone but Alex about this right now. Maybe once I feel more comfortable in my own skin and everything, then I'll tell more closer friends and family... Until then, just Alex and nothing nut Alex.

I'm glad it's a Friday though. It gives both of us at least a couple more days to let this sink in. I'm sure that there are still some things to sink in, definitely. Sure, Alex seems fine right now, but give him a few more hours or overnight and he'll be freaked out like shit. I'm sure I will too...

Ok, I really need to shut the hell up. Why can't I just accept this? I, Jack Barakat, am going to have Alex Gaskarth's baby. He and I are going to bring a new life into this world. There. It's as simple as that.


Not right.


After a few more minutes of fighting internally with myself, Alex pulled up to Rian's house, then we both got out. I looked worriedly at Alex once we closed the car doors. He gave me a small smile, then nodded at me. I figured he got what I was getting at. I prayed he did at least.

We both walked into Rian's house, not even bothering to knock. The kid was one of our best friends, so he can deal with us just randomly walking in. Once we walked in, Alex closed the door behind us, then we walked into the living room. Rian was sprawled out on the couch watching something on ESPN. He saw us walk in, but didn't move or anything. Typical Rian Dawson, everybody.

"Way to greet your guests, buddy," Alex said as he laughed and sat down, pulling me into his lap.

"I'm tired and lazy," Rian said. "Don't judge me."

"Judging!" I said as I laughed.

"You guys suck," he said as he yawned. "Anyway, so what's the diagnosis? Are you dying?"

"No!" Alex said as he laughed.

"I feel like it," I said as I laughed. "But no, just a little bug I caught. Got some meds and I should be 'a ok' is a few days."

"Well, that's good," Rian said.

"Yeah, I agree. I'm glad Jack's not dying!" Alex said.

"I bet," Rian said as he laughed. "Your little fucking toy would be gone."

"Oh shut up, Rian. You know I love Jack for that reason, but I also love him because he's amazing, strong, and just perfect," Alex said.

"Aw," I said.

"And because you'll be such a good dad," he whispered in my ear.

"You jackass," I said.

"Please, no fucking on the couch. K thanks," Rian said.

"You always ruin the fun, Ri," I said as I pouted on Alex's lap.

"Agreed!" Alex said.

"Now, if you'll excuse us, we're going back to my place and we're going to spend the night together and probably fuck each other senseless," I said as I got off of Alex and took his hand.

"Jack! Too much information! God dammit dude!" Rian said as he groaned and covered his face.

"Ahh, I love fucking with you, man," I said as I laughed.

"I've noticed," Rian groaned again.

After messing with Rian for a few more minutes, Alex and I grabbed our things from Rian's bedroom and then made our way back to my house, which wasn't too far of a walk from Rian's. Alex carried by backpack for me, which made me smile, then he took my hand while we walked. He never let go, even when we got to my house and up in my bedroom. He's something special.

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