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Author's Note

Hello beautiful people.
Thank you so much for taking your precious time to read my story.

A little warning;

This book contains sex scenes. I'll give a warning each time so my young readers or others, can always skip it out.

This book is unedited, therefore, you will see typos and many other mistakes, you can easily point them out and I'll correct them.
Please keep in mind that I am only human and yes a very very imperfect one.

Thanks so much for reading.
I hope you enjoy! :)

"Stupid bitch!" I hear daddy shout, loud and clear through the thin walls of the house. I bolt upright in my tiny bed, rubbing my eyes to get rid of the sleep.

Mommy and Daddy's loud voices could easily be heard all around. I did what Mommy told me to do whenever this happens. I get up quickly running from my room. The old board creaks beneath my feet, but I don't have to worry that dad would hear, as they are making too much noise.

I hear glass shatter. I know dad must have used it against mom.

Probably the night lamp he had just brought back. He loves to break things whenever he's angry, resulting in giving Mommy and I many scars. That was before mom has given me a hiding place for when dad comes home drunk.

I run faster down the stairs to the kitchen. I trip over my own feet but gets up quickly ignoring the pain in my left leg as I go.

Quickly opening the door under the kitchen sink. I climb in and shut the small door behind me.
I feel like I'm going to suffocate whenever I'm in here because it's so small, even for me, the girl who's called skinny Winny at school.

They only call me that because they know I'm going to cry. I cry all the time.

My teachers think that I'm too small for a nine year old, they don't like me either, no one does except mommy, daddy hates me too.

I don't understand why everyone does, I've never done anything to them. I even get good grades at school so that daddy will like me but he still doesn't.

I rock back and forth, my back hitting the wall that is too rough against my skin through my thin night gown.

I imagine, all I do is imagine and wish things were different but it's never going to be like the fairy tales that mommy reads to me all the time, where everyone is happy.

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