George Weasley Detention

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I sat in potions the boredom almost lulling me to sleep. My eyes slowly drooping lower and lower until I shot awake a sharp pang shooting through the back of my head. My fingers gingerly rubbed the sore spot on the back of my head going through the mass of thick snarls and knots. Looking behind me my eyes fell upon Snape with a book in his hand a look of plain agitation on his face."My class isn't a place for you to sleep" Snape snapped at me. "A better place than any, it's not like I learn in here anyways" I snidely reply back. "Ten points from Gryffindor, and maybe you will learn something in detention tonight" Snape replies coldly. My nose twitches in annoyance ,when I turn to see the Twins sniggering at me. Fred abruptly looked up and stopped before George had the chance to stop. "Since you find it so funny Mr. Weasley you may join your friend in detention" Snape said to George. George grumbled something under his breath as he saw me smirking broadly at him. My fingertips fidgeted with the golden necklace that hung around my neck. I quickly ceased the habit however I wouldn't want to spin the object unless I was alone. Even then I refrained from doing so.

"Clean all of the cauldrons and when Mr. Weasley arrives tell him to accompany you" Snape told me when I walked into the potions class. As he turned to stride out of the room I spoke up. "And where might you be going?" Snape slightly turned to look at me his long black hair making him look menacing. "If you really want the answer I will give it to you in tomorrow nights detention" Snape snidely replied. I gulped and vigorously shook my head no letting my long tangled hair whip around me as I do so. Without another word he left me alone in the room. Muttering not so kind words about that professor under my breath I began to clean the cauldrons. "Well don't you look just ravishing" an all to familiar voice said. I didn't even bother to look up just continued to scrub the pot. "Snape said you were to accompany me in cleaning during this lovely hour" I solemnly replied. George sat down in front of me on the floor and began to clean as well. After a few silent minutes of scrubbing I slightly lifted my eyes to look at the younger of the two twins. I had been friends with them since first year which started my habit doing their homework for a few galleons. I had gained a small fortune from them over the years. My eyes looked at George but I didn't move my head so it wouldn't look like I was admiring him. Wait... admiring him, no I was simply observing him. Looking down at my half cleaned cauldron I began to scrub yet again. "Do you want to get back at That arse?" George suddenly asked breaking the comfortable silence. A broad smirk suddenly ran over my lips as I looked up at him. "What did you have in mind, Mr. Weasley?" I asked him a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Fred, George and I sat on the common room couch planning out our perfect revenge. The fire was roaring I was growing more and more excited. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned into an hour almost. George slipped the parchment of our plans into his pocket and stood up. "Do you wish to accompany us to dinner, it would be to my utter delight" George said giving me a mock bow and holding out his hand to me. Smiling widely at him I stood up and obnoxiously took both of their arms and we walked into the dining hall gallantly. We received a few looks up disgust, curiosity, and annoyance from the three opposite tables as we sat down. Tomorrow was going to be an utterly fun day.

I sat in potions class awaiting for the class period to begin. Glancing at the twins seats discomfort began to set in my bones. They couldn't be late. We would get caught if they did, OO no. As I sat Class began. Within a few minutes I saw both of the fiery red heads slink their way to their seats. George stuffing parchment in his pocket as he sat down. "What is that Mr. Weasley" a snake like voice stated from the front of the class room. Slowly he stood and went to the twins seat. Fred gave me a look and panic set in. Our plans were in George's pocket. If he found it we were all In trouble and we wouldn't be able to prank him. "Both of you Empty your pockets!" Snape snapped. My eyes widened and without think I jumped up on my desk.
"SUGAR PIE HONEY BUNCHHHHHH YOU KNOWWW THAT I LOVE YOUUUU" I sang at the very top of my lungs. My eyes lay upon the twins as I sang, hinting to them. Snape quickly turned to look at me surprise hinting to express itself on his features. "SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET"
A smile broadened on my face. I began to dance and shimmy on my desk. "I CANT HELP MYSELF!! I LOVVEEEE YOOOUUUU AND NOBODY ELSE" I continued singing. My eyes for some reason fell on George while I sang this. His eyes gleamed with laugher. I pulled out my wand and started making random objects float around the class room. A caldron zoomed past Snapes head almost hitting him smack in the head. "50 points from Gryffindor" Snape bellowed at me. With that I started a different song.
"THESE BOOTS ARE MADE FOR WALKING, AND THAT'S JUST WHAT THEY'LL DO ONE OF THE THESE DAYS THESE BOOTS ARE GONNA WALK RIGHT OVER YOU" I began ,and with that I pushed Snapes chest with my foot. Leaving a nice and dirty footprint on his black cloaks. "SIT DOWN" he screeched at me like a banshee. I looked behind him to the twins who had slipped the parchment to Lee Jordan. Quickly I scrambled off the desk and sat down. Letting all of the floating objects fall to the ground ,with a rather loud and hair rising clatter. "5 weeks detention" "What can I say? I'm thrilled can't wait to clear my calendar" I happily remarked crossing my legs in my lap. Flashing Snape the widest most obnoxious smile I could muster up. "6 weeks detention and a hundred points from Gryffindor" Snape icily stated.
"Gee whizz 6 weeks detention! Hear that boys, there's a new bad girl in town" I say pushing my thick hair out of my face and smirking at Snape. Abruptly he turned to the twins. "Empty your pockets" he barked at them. Immediately they pulled out their empty pockets and gave him an innocent look. Snape turned to me a fiery look of anger succumbing his features. As he turned to the front of the class room I gave a wink to the twins whom smiled broadly at me. Well at least I wouldn't be cleaning cauldrons. When class ended I slowly stood up grabbing my stuff and was about to walk out of the room when an arm fell over my shoulder. Looking up my eyes looked into his eyes. The classic 'I'm up to no good but you won't find out why' grin plastered on his upturned lips. "Hello George" I smiled up at him. I felt another figure walk on the other side of me. "Next time I have to cover for you two when I'm already in trouble I am going to throw the biggest temper tantrum ever and you are going to deal with it" I said in a matter o factly tone. "For that we owe you--We'll help you with your homework for the next six weeks" Fred started off but George finished.
"Since its all this blokes fault for making us late he'll carry your stuff to class for you" Fred said arching a red eyebrow at George and sauntering off. George removed his arm from my shoulders and grabbed my very heavy book bag. "The hell you put in this thing...Boulders?!?!?!" he asked me incredulously. "It will build character and if not that at least muscle, in turn helping you get more I'm helping you very much today" I Stated to him. I looked up at the much taller George and laughed at the incredulous facial expression he was giving me. "Why I can't get much more handsome or else no guy in this school would have a chance with you". Immediately warmth spread over my cheeks and neck as I felt a blush rise over my neck to my face. "As if Weasley, go butter up to some other Love sick oaf, I'm not a star struck imbecile" I remarked coolly to him. Earning a round of laughter from the two of us. "Besides you have a twin that looks exactly like you". George raised an eyebrow of 'as if that makes me any less gorgeous.'
As we reached my class room he handed me my 1 ton bag. "See you later Ms. Boots" George laughed at me and walked away to his next class. As I walked in my class I pressed my back to the wall and slumped down to a sitting position. I let a long withdrawn sigh escape my partially parted lips. If only Mr. Weasley knew the affect he had on me. I Of course didn't like him like that. How could I? He was tall, funny, intelligent, cocky, a prankster, and a Weasley. What was there too like?!? He just has an affect on me it has absolutely nothing to do with feelings.

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