Draco Malfoy Breath

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"Piss off Malfoy" I hear. I quietly groan while roll my eyes and look to my left to see Draco and Potter at it again, Potter's little lap dog snapping at everything Draco had to say. Now in Weasels defense what Draco usually had to say to them was rude and more than slightly insulting ,but I didn't like it any better. Soon enough wands were drawn and I groaned quietly under my breath. "Ok Knock it off morons, I'd rather not have detention again today because you knuckleheads can't stop butting heads" I scolded standing in between the two ,my arms outstretched at both of their chests. Potter looked at me his green eyes seeming to scan me over for some ploy. "Granger you seem the only one to have any sense, will you please get them to leave. We'll be going too" I said looking at the bushy haired girl whom stood behind me. "Yeah, sure Heartwood." With that I turned to Draco to see his stormy grey eyes studying me closely. I realized my hand was still upon his chest and I dropped it. "Let's go down to the lake Blaise is waiting to meet us remember?" I asked to which he nodded. He walked by me silence entrenching the air between us. "Ok what the hell is wrong with you" I snapped at Draco turning to look at the man next to me. He didn't reply and I wanted to scream. "Quit being an arse Malfoy" I muttered quietly under my breath.
"Since when do you refer to me as Malfoy" Draco finally spoke up a blond eyebrow raised. "When you're being an Arse" I replied dully. My arms were filled with parchment that I was getting paid to do by other students. I had made a small fortune off of the lazy students in probably less than a year. Suddenly the paper fell from my hand as I was being hoisted into the air. The papers went everywhere and I reached for them.
He didn't reply and we walked in silence quietly side by side. "Yikes" I yelped loudly. I look down to see my body slung over Draco's shoulder. "What the hell!?!?" I groaned loudly at him. "Well if I'm being and arse I assume you want full view of mine" he replies coolly. I struggle slightly only to have my hip pinched. "Ok, ok jeez" I grumbled.
"Well aren't you two a sight to see" I hear. I peer around Dracos shoulder to see Blaise standing by a tree and watching us. "Get your boyfriend to let me go!" I snap. I suddenly feel a pair of hands around my ankles. "I dunno I may help him hall you in the lake" Blaise said to which I began to struggle. My body is pulled from Dracos shoulder and my wrists are gripped tightly between his hands and my ankles between Blaise's finger tips. "I SWEAR YOU TWO IF YOU DON'T LET ME GO I WILL HEX YOU BOTH" I yelled loudly. "Let you gooo??" Draco asks. I feel my body beginning to swing. "NO. NOO AHHHHHHH" the sheering cold of water envelopes my body as I hit the cold water of the lake. I jump up scrambling from the lake my clothes now soaked as well as my hair. It matted my eye covering my view. I push the hair from my face and glare directly at the two boy In front of me. "hey I can still take your breath away" Draco laughs as I cough at the water in my throat. As I arose I hear "It was Blaise he lost his grip and you flew" Draco accused and jumped behind his friend. I pull out my yew wood wand. "Aguamenti" I whisper quietly and water bursts from the tip of my wand soaking Blaise. Draco laughed loudly at this stepping away from his friends. "OO don't think you're getting out of this Draco" I hiss running at him with wand in hand he runs quickly and out of view. "I do believe I managed to get you wet" Blaise said from behind me. I don't turn around ,but hear a loud grunt from where my elbow made contact with his intestine. "Oo by the way I finished your charms homework" I say as I walked back to the school, my clothes dripping everywhere. Suddenly I hear it... the sound of loud quarreling. "Can't these morons stop their quarreling for 5 minutes?!?" I mutter to myself.
I run into the hall to see Draco and the Gryffindor sensations at it again. Grumbling I stride forward my clothes dripping water behind me. "What do you want heartwood" Ron hissed from behind me as I faced Draco. "OO bite your tongue weasel" I snarled heartlessly. I turned around and Weasley opened his mouth again to retort something ,but stopped abruptly his eyes going down. 'What was he...' I looked down realizing my white school shirt was sticking to my chest. Draco noticed before I did however. "GET YOUR EYES OFF OF HER WEASLE BEFORE I...". "Draco Common room" I say in a steely calm voice cutting him off. Draco stared at me seeming surprised. "Bu- NOW DRACO" I cut him off. He gives Weasley a death glare before he turns to walk away. "First time listening to me openly" I muttered. "And you three stop" I Order to the three Gryffindors whom were trying to escape. "I'm sick of always ending these quarrels of yours so I'll make a deal, I'll make Draco refrain from bothering you. If you let us go about our business without constantly accusing us of murder or something vile" I say calmly crossing my arms over my chest.
"Why does vile bother you? You're a product of incest." Weasley Jabs at me. "OK, that's almost as vile as what Draco calls Hermione. Pure bloods, they are not made by incest, yes some are to various degrees. You're a pure blood are you not? Are you a product of incest I think not SO QUIT BEING AN INSENSITIVE LITTLE PRAT" I snap coldly.
It shut Ron up and I looked at the three of them. "You said they... not we. Why?" Grangers voice asked. I felt my heart suddenly fall and my bones stiffen. I turned to stride away when a hand caught my shoulder spinning me around. "Are you not a pure blood" Potter asked his green eyes boring holes through my skull. "I'm". "Please answer the question" Hermione said.
Why should I have to answer these intrusive questions? I owed them nothing I had no obligation to these people. I felt anger but it immediately fell away with the guilt. "I'm a Mudblood" I whisper quietly barely audible ,but they all heard me. "You hypocrite" Ron hissed. "No Ron, she's not she won't let any Slytherin or anyone call someone a Mudblood. I've seen her stop people in the hallway for doing such an action including Draco" Hermione stated. "That's because no ones a Mudblood. No one has dirty blood... No one, except me" I said whispering the last part. "My mother and father they're squibs, both from pureblood families. I was raised by aunt though, she is what you might call a blood purist though not precisely" I remark. Potters hands still gripped my shoulder. "You have a deal Heartwood" Potter said. I don't wait for anything else to be said just ran through the halls to the Slytherin common room.
I placed a drying charm over my clothes and they immediately loosen and don't stick anymore. Though my hair was still wet I would deal with that later. Draco sat on a sofa looking at me. "He shouldn't be allowed to do that." Draco said coldly his grey eyes flashing at me. I gave him a questioning look sitting next to him. "Weasley, the way he looked at you... if he does that again I'll curse him" he said in a quiet ferocious tone. "No you won't curse him" I stated and pushed his blond hair from his eyes. In the rush of things a single strand managed to fall from its place. "You're too forgiving" Draco said. I chose to ignore him and laid back. The length of my body laying across the couch and my head on Draco's lap. If I was anyone else he'd have probably dropped me to the floor and tell me to piss off. It was me though one of his best friends. "Who are you taking to the Yule tide ball?" I asked closing my eyes and thinking. "No idea, who's you're date?" He asked me? "No one, I'm not going to that thing, I'm tired of dancing with boys whom step on my toes" I replied laughing. "Then why don't you take the best dancer in Hogwarts?" He asked me. I opened my eyes to see his grey ones smirking down at me. "And who would that be?".
"Well obviously me." He coolly replied letting a hand run through my wet hair. I cocked my eyebrow thinking about it. It would be nice to go, I never went to dances. Then a wicked idea popped into my head. "Sure I'll go ,but only if you halt your teasing of Potter, Granger ,and Weasley" I replied. His face looked surprise he looked as if he was about to say no when a voice spoke up. "Take the deal Draco, it's the best offer she'll make". We both turned to see Blaise entering the room. He sat on a large green armchair by Draco. Draco seemed to think long and hard about it. Finally after what seemed like decades he spoke again. "Sounds like a deal" we awkwardly shook hands and I closed my eyes yet again.

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