Blaise Zabini The Dragon and The Thief

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Blaise walked through the doors to the large Manson. Right at the foot of the stairs stood Draco. "Zabini, we ready to go?" Draco said to which he nodded. He put his hand on Draco's shoulder and apparated to her house. Pansy opened the door but it was not her that Blaise was there for. Pansy didn't even bat an eye at Blaise. Her attention was on Draco. They walked in while Pansy clinged to Draco. "Pansy where is your sister?" Blaise asked. Pansy looked disgruntled and her face screwed up into a look of annoyance. She is upstairs an evil smirk suddenly played over her features. "Want to see her, its utterly gruesome". "Mother their here!" Pansy called out giving Blaise an unsettling look.
Suddenly Blaise looked up to see Pansy's mother walking down the stairs. Then he saw her, walking closer to him with every step. She didn't look like herself though. Her hair was pinned up rather than wild and free and she wore clothes a lady would wear. A long dress which went to the floor. Blaise looked at her, the only Parkinson he cared about. Her eyes stared forward dead there was no light in them nothing.
"Pansy show them to the dining room, I shall be back in a few hours" Ms. Parkinson said.
AS she left Blaise walked up to her. He said her name, nothing not even glimmer. "What did you do to her!" Blaise screamed turning to Pansy. "We finally turned her into the perfect pure blood, daughter" she cackled.
"I'll make our guests some tea, Please enjoy your stay" she finally spoke up her lovely voice striking a note in the air. With that she turned and left the room. "The sister I always deserved...Obedient." Pansy said still clinging to Draco who looked perplexed.
Soon they all sat drinking tea, everything completely silent except Pansy who would not shut up. "Zabini and I will require rooms, will you show them to us?" Draco suddenly said. Ill show you yours Draco, she will show you yours Zabini" Pansy said. They all arose Draco gave him a fleeting look and they disappeared. It was already growing dark out, as Blaise reached his room he turned to her. "What is wrong with you." She looked up at him her eyes emotionless. He grabbed her suddenly wrapping his hand around her jaw and kissing her feverently. He'd wanted to do that for months since the last time they saw each other. As he pulled away she still stared forward nothing not even a flicker. Turning he went into the room closing the door and laid down upon the bed. Gods he missed her, she was what kept him going through everything.

"Come on give me my homework" Blaise told her of course she didn't reply just forged forward through the school. Her untamed hair flowing behind her in mass of well mess. She acted and looked nothing like Pansy her elder sister by a year. "OK Parkinson give him the homework I need him" Blaise suddenly heard he looked up there was Draco."If you think for one second you scare me you blond brat think again... besides I'm sure he'd much rather my company" she said seductively then laughing loudly. She pushed past him and began to read his paper aloud. Everyone stopped and stared at them as she made her way through the hallways practically crying out the words off the paper. As they reached the outside of the castle she suddenly stopped and turned to him.
"I love bullying you, You're such a good sport" She laughed holding out his paper. He took it quickly but with a small grin on his face. "one of these days I am going to get you" He said grabbing her school tie and dragging her gently to him. "And if that happens I'll just do this" She said. Suddenly she jumped up and kissed him wrapping her arms around his neck while her feet dangled. She dropped to her feet again and smiled at him.
"Now you should go to the brat and console him, I'd rather not have my oaf of a sister writing my mother about my disrespecting one of the most important pure blood families in wizarding world" she said feigning fright and holding her wrist to her head. She over dramatically fell to the ground. "She wouldn't do anything" he said laughing at her. "OO, would you protect me like a knight in shinning armor" She mocked. Blaise dropped to his knees and crawled towards her as he spoke "No, Id steal you like a dragon and keep you like prized gold for myself". She bit her lip with a smile. "My dear boy you should never let a thief into your den" She said putting her index finger to his lips while leaning closer. "OO what would you steal?" He asked her moving slightly closer letting his breath tickle her nose. "Your heart" She smirked and jumped on him. He landed on his back and looked up at the girl which lay on top of him. The setting sun glimmered behind her as she smiled down at him.

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