Bill Weasley A silver rose

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I sat in The Burrow admiring Molly's work around the house. Taking care of seven children could not be easy. Well six now Bill had moved out long before and was picking up all of his belongings he left. They had asked me to come for the weekend so I could look over the little ones while Molly cried over Bill prolonging his stay. Ron and Ginny sat in my lap in complete utter comfort. Charlie sat next to me and the twins and Percy at my feet. "I Will give each of you one flower, If y'all are able to answer a single question that I ask each of you." I stated. Now normally other boys would have snorted and laughed at me but never the Weasley boys. They all knew I could work wonders with flowers. I had always had a gift when it came to plants of all kinds.
"Now Ginny are you ready?" I asked the young girl? She smiled broadly at me nodding sporadically with her head. "Now Ginny I told you a fairy tale last night when I was tucking you in there was a stone and a wand what was the other object?" I asked her? "OO I KNOW I KNOW, It was the invisibility cloak." Young Ginny said with a giddy smile. "Right you are" I replied. I removed my hand from her back grabbing my Yew wood wand. "Hold out your hands" I whispered. Ginny cupped her two small hands together. A sparkly mist floated gracefully from the tip of my wand. A good sized gladiolus flower bloomed in her hand. Its petals a purplish pink. "This flower signifies Strength ,but may also be deceptive. No one will ever be able to steal it from you. Wear this and it will always bring you luck" I whispered to her. GInny smiled happily and jumped upon Charlie's lap whom smiled broadly at her. "Now Ron what is my favorite color?" I asked the boy he didn't even have to think. "Crimson". "Good" and i repeated the action. A White Hyacinth grew in his hand. "Your flower represents hope, Never confuse the white Hyacinth with the yellow one. A yellow one means jealousy. This flower will change color to yellow in confusing times to lead you along the right path". Ron hugged me tightly. "George what was the first prank you and your brother ever played on me?" I asked? "When we took Percy's wand and turned your hair green". "HEY" Percy said looking slightly aghast. A pinkish clove grew in Georges hand. "This shows your undying love ,and will ease your pain if you ever lose one you love. Fred what was my favorite prank you two have ever done?" I asked? "When we turned Ron's Teddy bear into a spider for breaking our broom." I looked worriedly down at Ron who gave me an accusing look. "OF COURSE NOT" I lied. A hollyhock grew in Fred's hand representing ambition. "This will help you succeed at your goals". Percy got an Oxeye Daisey meaning patience ,and Charlie a Snapdragon signifying strength. "What is your flower?" Ginny asked tilting her head. "A crimson rose, representing my bloodline" I smiled running my fingers down her face pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
"She was much kinder to your flowers than mine" his familiar voice rung out at the entrance of the living room. I looked up to see Bill standing there smiling broadly at me. Ron jumped from my lap running to his oldest brother. "What was yours?" Percy asked curiously? Bill's eyes looked at me as I stay seated. "I got a dark pink rose, It means gratitude does it not?" Bill asked me to which I nodded. "Well I'm done here. I'll take you home." Bill stated. Standing up I gave everyone a hug and walked to Bill. Bill wrapping his arms around my waist looked down at me. "Will you please focus very hard this time I don't feel like having you splinched under my care again" He stated. "It was only a finger nail" I murmured quietly. I tended to try and avoid apparition. I could apparate ok when I focused but even then I tended to lose a nail. My splinching was never too serious ,but it was never a joyous thing to go through. It was a wonder I even passed my apparition test in order to receive my license.

I felt the normal sensation of what felt like my body being squeezed through a small Rubber tube. I gasped as my body was free of the tight feeling. Looking around I saw the comforting garden which surrounded my small house. When Bills arms stayed around my waist I looked up at him. His eyes were examining the flowers and vines that circled its way around the house. "Your garden has gotten bigger since the last time I was here" Bill stated. "It has been almost a whole year since you moved in, that was the last time You were here. " I stated in response to him. Gently I pulled way from Bill's grasp. "Would you like to come inside for some tea, Or I can make you dinner if it pleases you." I asked. He smiled broadly at my remark. "You spoil me too much Flower girl. I really would like to ,but I have work to attend to" Bill said. I felt my heart drop at this. Bill and I were so busy now a days that we hardly got to see each other. His deep eyes peered down at me, Bill always had the uncanny ability of knowing what I was thinking about just by looking at me with those eyes. "Bill don't be too shy to barge in it would be welcome change for you to barge in and randomly appear sometimes and not just Molly" I said. Walking up to Bill I pulled him to me hugging him. I pulled his head down to my shoulder ,Bill stood a great deal taller than me so he had to hunch over in order to do so. My eyes looked at his red hair which was slightly longer. "I promise I will, until then My Lady of the Flowers ,and try to socialize with a wizard some instead of just your plants" Bill said as he pulled away. Smiling widely at me Bill disapparated and his grin disappeared.

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