A harsh truth

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On Monday when Cassian walked over to Jyn's locker his heart nearly sank into his feet. He could only see her from the side, but the bruise around her eyes was unmistakable. He rushed over and appeared in front of her, just as she closed her locker and turned.

'Oh.' She jumped as Cassian was suddenly standing in front of her. Her surprise quickly turning into a smile, and she wrapped her arms around him. 'Hey!' She slowly let go of him again, realizing there must be something wrong, since he didn't return the hug. 'What's wrong?'

Cassian looked at her as if he couldn't believe she was even asking him that question. 'What happened to your eye?'

Jyn sighed and rolled her eyes. 'I had to help out in the backyard yesterday, and managed to step on a rake, which then smacked me in the face.'

Cassian just looked at her, deciding on whether he believed her. He knew she was clumsy, and was definitely capable of the endeavor, but the nightmare he had had wouldn't let him go. He finally smiled slightly, deciding it better to let it go, and hugged her. 'You should be more careful.'

Jyn laughed. 'Yeah, I'll try.'

During Cassian's free period he roamed the halls, looking for Kay, eventually finding him in the computer lab. He should have guessed. He walked inside and leaned against the table Kay was working at.

'Oh hey, Cassian is here, I wonder if he needs something from me...' Kay mumbled in a slightly sarcastic tone.

'I need your help, Kay.'

Kay looked up. 'There's a surprise. Why else would you be in the computer lab. So what do you need?'

Cassian looked around, trying to make sure nobody could hear him. 'I need you to find me everything you can about John Draven.'

Kay looked confused. 'Why?'

'He's Jyn's Foster dad. She has a black eye.'

'She said it was because she stood on a rake. We both know she is clumsy enough to actually do that, even though that only ever works in cartoons.'

'I have a bad feeling about it, Kay. She doesn't like her foster parents, and they don't really seem to trust her. I just need to be sure that they are not hurting her.'

Kay sighed. He had never been very emotional, and often couldn't understand other people's emotions, but he could understand Cassian's worries. Listening to his friend, he even became slightly worried about Jyn, as well.

'Alright.' He nodded. 'I'll look into it.'

Cassian relaxed a little, and the corner of his mouth twisted up ever so slightly.

'It'll take a while though, so I'll just stop by your place after school and show you.'

'Okay.' Cassian put a hand on Kay's shoulder. 'Thanks Kay.' And walked out of the room.

At 5:30 that afternoon Cassian heard the doorbell ring. Not much later Kay walked into his room and sat down on his bed.

'I'm not sure if you're gonna happy or disappointed in the results.' He said.

Cassian just looked at his friend waiting for Kay to start talking. 'Well, what did you find?' He finally asked, when Kay wouldn't explain.

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