Just Kiss Me

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            Tingles. That's what I felt as I held his hand. My hand literally tingled. Zak drove me to my hotel, and offered to walk me in. The words he spoke to me were still stuck in my head. Thank you, for treating me like a human being. Was that what he was used to? Being treated like some sort of television star robot incapable of any emotion? I actually started to feel sorry for him.
            With every step we took, Zak looked at me and smiled. I was afraid he would trip, paying absolutely no attention to his strides. Every time, I saw that confident grin, I'd blush. I couldn't help myself, he already had a strong power over me. I felt as if he was gripping my fingers in between his, tighter and tighter, and occasionally, he would softly caress my hand with his fingertips. Which, only caused more tingles.
            We safely made it to my room, without being bombarded by any over excited fans. Zak stood with me in the hallway, as I searched my clutch for my key card. I could feel his eyes fixed upon me and finally, I looked up. When my eyes met his, I could see that need. I felt my knees getting weak, and my heart beat grew more rapid. Zak placed his hand on the wall behind me, and slowly leaned in closer. With his other hand, he gently grasped my waist. I closed my eyes, and could still feel his energy grow stronger. His breath was closer and closer, and I knew I was about to experience what I've been dreaming about for so long. Then suddenly, we heard a loud thump from inside the room. I opened my eyes, and Zak paused. Are you kidding me?! 
            "What was that?" Zak asked.
            "I'm not sure, I thought Bree was still with Aaron." I replied. I turned to the door, and slid my key card through the reader. I slowly turned the handle, trying to make very little sound. Zak followed closely behind, in case, there was someone lurking, and I needed protection. The door quietly opened, and I flipped the light switch on. My eyes widened, as I saw Aaron's full nude body on top of Bree's. The light startled him and caused him to flip right off the bed, bringing the comforter with him. Bree quickly used the bedsheets to cover, and Aaron looked like a wrapped burrito, lying on the floor.
            Zak couldn't control his laughter. I could hear it growing louder, directly behind my ear. "Melissa! What are you doing here?" Bree exclaimed.
            "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to be in my hotel room!" I shouted back. I wasn't angry at Bree, but I could see her frustration growing, which, caused me to unknowingly become defensive. I lightly slapped Zak's chest when I heard his laughing continue. Aaron had stayed quiet on the floor, face beat red with embarrassment.
           "I thought you were on a date!"
           "I was but I'm tired, and I'd like to go to bed!" I yelled back.
           "Mel, will you just please continue your date for a little bit longer?" Bree was practically begging me with her eyes, and when I felt Zak gently take my hand, I knew I had to leave the love birds alone.
            "Fine. Enjoy." I slammed the door, and forcefully placed my key card back in my clutch. Zak knew I was upset, and he tried his hardest to keep from laughing. I looked up at him, as he bit his bottom lip. "It's alright, you can laugh." Zak didn't hold back. He put his head on my shoulder, and let out a powerful laugh. I don't think I've ever heard him laugh that loudly. It brought a small grin to my face.
            "I'm so sorry, but oh, my god, when Aaron flipped off the bed, I almost pissed myself." Zak admitted.
            "Well, that would've been a pretty sight." 
            "I probably could've gone the rest of my life without seeing Aaron's bare ass though." Zak finished his laughter, and offered me his hand. "I guess, our date wasn't quite over."
            "Where are we going now, Mr. Bagans?" I asked, as I took his hand.
            "Wherever your heart desires."
            To my surprise, I lead Zak back to the bright colorful fountain on the strip. There was something about its beauty that captivated me. The bright colors showing through the ripples of the high waters gave me a magical feeling. Zak looked up at it, and smiled. "Wow, it's beautiful. I don't think I've ever really looked at it. I've lived here for so long, it's amazing what I take for granted each day."
            Zak and I sat on the edge of the fountain, and watched as all the people walked by. I was just waiting for a group of horny women to approach Zak, and try to pry him away from me. At this point, I was in the mood to claw and bite any woman to come between us. No one was going to take my magic away.
            "So, what has been the best part of your trip so far?" Zak asked.
            "Um, seeing Aaron's bare ass?" I joked, and Zak let out another laugh.
            "No, seriously, best part?"
            "Meeting you."
            "Well, the first time we met it wasn't that great. I had to be a jerk, and ruin it."
            "Yes, true, but you did make up for it, and I really have had an amazing time with you." Zak smiled, and I saw that same strong need in his eyes. I knew we were about to continue our interrupted moment. Zak made sure to once again, take his time. He didn't want to rush it, and make me feel uncomfortable, but what he didn't know, was that I was craving it too. He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, and with the other, he slowly moved up my thigh. I gently touched his face, and finally, our lips met. The atmosphere was amazing. I felt the waves in the fountain splash, and the colors brightly shined.
            It felt like an eternity before we separated. We pressed our foreheads together, and slowly opened our eyes. Our smiles were stretched across our faces, and it wasn't one to fade any time soon. "That was amazing." Zak sighed.
            "I don't want this night to end." I confessed. Zak caressed my face, and kissed me again.
            "It doesn't have to."

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