Game Night

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            "Right hand red." I stretched my hand as far as I could, but soon regretted going through with it. My head was now pressed against Aaron's stretched torso, while I balanced backwards on my hands. Meanwhile, Zak's legs were spread, as he straddled my stomach. Bree couldn't contain her laughter, as she shouted the next direction. "Okay, Zak, left hand blue." Zak looked down at the blue dot, and smiled when he noticed that it was right next to my head. He leaned forward, and placed his hand on his mark. Our bodies, now pressed together, trembled as we tried to stay balanced. "Aaron, left hand green."
            "Okay, that's never going to happen." Aaron said, as he glanced over at me and Zak, bodies directly over the green.
            "Those are rules, Aaron. You have to try or you're out." Bree smirked. Aaron examined our position, and tried to cook up a plan to complete his mission.
            "Alright, you two are going to have to separate." Aaron lifted his left hand, and balanced on his right, as he shifted to face us.
            "How the hell are we supposed to separate?" Zak asked.
            "Well, I gotta get in there somehow." Aaron began forcing his head between us, trying to push his way through. "Just think of me as the cheese in your sandwich!" My laughter became uncontrollable due to his humorous comments, and his shaved head rubbing against our sides. My hands started to quiver and I couldn't fight the weight any longer. Zak felt me start to slip, and he wrapped his strong arms around my back. We fell to the floor, Zak's body still pressed against mine, and Aaron fell right on top of Zak's.
            "Bro, get off me." Zak said, as he lifted his body. Ultimately, knocking Aaron to the floor. Bree, in the midst of her laughter, offered him her hand, and helped him up.
            "I guess I lost." Aaron sighed, with his bottom lip out. Bree copied his gesture, and wrapped her arms around him.
            "Aww, I'll make it better."
            As Bree and Aaron shared a romantic moment, Zak and I continued to giggle on the game mat together. His stare was so intent. So focused. Something was going through his mind, and I had to find out what. "You okay?" I softly asked.
            "You have hazel eyes."
            "Yeah, I do. You're just now noticing that?"
            "I'm sorry, I guess before I was just so focused on your lips."
            "Oh, what a line." I laughed, as Zak caressed my face. I guess my eyes weren't the only things that captivated him, judging by the way he perfectly locked his lips with mine. At that moment, I felt as if our bodies had transported to another place. We were alone, in the dark. Everything had gone quiet, and the only sound that entered my ears was Zak's soft moans.
            "Okay, get a room." Aaron loudly interrupted our wonderful moment. Zak slowly started to separate from me, and I could feel his lips pulling mine with him. He groaned, as he stood up, and pulled me off the floor. I saw that strong disappointment in his eyes, as he looked at Aaron. If they wouldn't have been here, he would've carried me straight to his bedroom. "I'm making more coffee." Aaron said, as he walked into the kitchen. I sat down beside Bree while Zak followed him.
            Aaron, already buzzing from all the caffeine coursing through his veins, rinsed his used coffee cup underneath the tap and searched for the perfect k-cup. Meanwhile, Zak sat at the island. Aaron felt the countertop shake, as Zak let his head fall. "Something bothering you?" Aaron asked, with widened eyes. The aroma of Starbucks veranda soared into Zak's nostrils, and he lifted his head.
            "I want her so bad, man. Like, so fucking bad. It's killing me."
            "Why don't you just sneak away then?"
            "I pinky promised."
            "Pinky promised?" Aaron let out a quiet chuckle, not wanting to draw attention to their private chat.
            "Yes, I promised her that I wouldn't pressure her. That we would go at her own pace." Aaron was so thrown off by Zak's confession he nearly poured his cup of coffee down his chest. He wiped his mouth as coffee dribbled down his chin.
            "Nothing, it's just, I never thought I'd see the day. Zak Bagans has fallen for someone. Like before, I wasn't sure how all of this would play out but really do care about this girl." Zak stood up, and made his way to the keurig. In the cabinet above, he pulled out two more coffee cups.
            "It's really starting to scare me. It's only been a week, and all we've done is hang out with you guys, and talk."
            "So, how many times have you already slept with Bree?"
            "Just that once."
            "Seriously?" Zak asked, as he started another brew. "Only once?"
            "Yeah, man, we like just hanging out. Talking. Getting to know each other. That's what building a relationship is all about. It's not just about the sex." Aaron lightly slapped Zak's back, and walked back into the living room. Zak was left alone with his thoughts. He took a sip of his steaming coffee, as he placed the other cup underneath the spout. The thought of sealing the deal was no longer the only thing on his mind. The thought of love was frightening him even more.
            I could feel my smile growing, as I watched Zak walk back into the room. He gave me a quick wink, and handed me an unexpected cup of coffee. "Well, thank you." Zak didn't answer, and that same disappointment lingered in his expression. I knew deep down I wanted it as bad as he did, but I didn't want him to leave me like everyone else. I didn't want to give myself away so easily. I had to come up with something to get his mind off things so, I said something I knew was going to get a rise out of him. "So, is your show actually real?"
            I was immediately regretting my question, as Zak and Aaron glared at me. As Bree tightly sealed her lips and closed her eyes, I knew I made a big mistake. Zak slowly set his cup onto the coffee table in front of us, and he moved from the arm of the couch, to the same cushion I was planted in. My heart beat was rapid, as I didn't know if he was going to be angry with me or not. "What?" Zak quietly asked. My heart beat was pounding so hard, I could feel it pushing on my chest.
            "I um, was just wondering if it was all real?"
            "You don't believe in ghosts?"
            "No, of course, I do. I just know sometimes people glamor it up for television. So, is everything we see on tv real, or is some of it faked?" Zak smiled, and bit his bottom lip.
            "Okay, first of all...." Aaron laughed, and rubbed the back of his neck, knowing that Zak's response was going to be epic. "....We don't fake anything. Everything we show you in an episode is one hundred percent real. Second of all, would you like us to prove it to you?" Zak asked, with a sinister grin.
            "What do you mean?"
            "I want you to experience what we do for a living. We're going to go to a haunted location, and I am going to show you how truly frightening the paranormal can be."
            "Bro, it's eleven thirty at night. Where do you expect us to go right now?" Aaron asked. Zak looked at me, and smiled.
            "I have an idea..."

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