Not So Paranoid

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I stood outside, barefoot on the warm concrete. I listened to the water flow through the pool. The sound was the only thing calming my nerves, plus watching the beautiful pink, and orange colors appear in the sky's sunset. The cool summer breeze flowed through my long hair, and I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of pine and cedar that flowed off the surrounding trees. I just wanted to clear my head. Stop thinking about the possibility of Zak running into Charlie. There was no way they would be sleeping at a hole in the wall motel, so I really had nothing to worry about. Even if they did, Charlie would have no reason to blurt out that he had slept with a girl, who just happened to be seeing a man named Zak from Vegas.
            I couldn't turn my mind off. I needed comforting words from a friend, but Bree had left me alone hours ago, due to my overwhelming amount of silence. I was a grown woman, I had the right to make my own choices, but those choices jeopardized a relationship that meant so much to me, and to our friends. I was ashamed of myself. There was a brick wall surrounding me, not letting anyone in. I couldn't let my guard down. If I told Bree, she could tell Aaron, Aaron could tell Zak. Then suddenly, everything would abruptly change again.
             The glass patio door slid open, and I turned to find Bree smiling back at me. As she sat on the lounge chair, she waved me over, urging me to enjoy a cup of tea she had just brewed. I returned a smile, and joined her. The hot tea soothed me, as the warm liquid cruised down my throat. Everything about this evening was perfect. The sunset, the tea, being back with my best friend. So, why was I letting my paranoid mind ruin it?
             Bree's eyes were burning a gaping hole in the side of my head. I always confided in her with all of my problems, and she continued to wonder why I wasn't sharing. Her curiousness was getting the best of her, and she couldn't bear it any longer. "Mel..."
            "Yes, Bree?"
            "Are you going to stop being a weirdo, and tell me what's bothering you?"
            "I'm not being a weirdo."
            "But, you are dodging my questions."
            "What was your question, again?"
            "Melissa Marie!"
            "Hey, don't middle name me."
            "Tell me." Bree urged, as she continued to sip her camomile. The steam fogged up her store bought classes. Worn for strictly fashion, considering she has perfect vision.
            "Those are cute glasses. Did you just buy them?" I asked, once again dodging her question. With a unaware smile, Bree pulled the specks off her face, and admired them with me.
            "Oh, my god, yeah Aaron helped me pick them out. I love them, and...." Bree slowly slipped the glasses back on her nose, and curled her brow. Finally, realizing my game. "Mel, just tell me."
             "God, you're persistent." I sighed, while Bree wore a demanding smirk. "Okay, fine, when I left the hotel that night, I ran into Charlie."
             "Charlie?" Bree seemed utterly confused, until I noticed her eyes widen, catching on to who I was referring to. "Oh, the motel Charlie."
             "Yes, the motel Charlie. Anyway, he told me to stop by when I was passing through Nebraska, and...."
             "And what?"
             "And I did." Bree was waiting for me to further explain. "I slept with him." After my confession, I met eyes with Bree. Her eyes, once widened, were now shallow and nearly shut. I knew that look too well. That look of shock, mixed with a smidgen of disappointment. Her silence had lasted for a few moments, causing me to squirm in my chair. "Bree, please, say something. Yell at me, cry with me, laugh at me. Just do something."
            "What do you expect me to say?"
            "I don't know? Something not too harsh preferably. I'm already panicked enough, I don't need a lecture."
            "I'm not going to lecture you."
            "No, I mean, you were sad. People do stupid things when they're sad. Plus, you and Zak were never officially together, and he's the one who messed up."
            "Yes, all true. So, why do I feel like I cheated?"
            "Probably, because you slept with a man you hardly knew, but you'd hardly touch Zak." Bree casually took another sip of her tea, not aware of how painful her remark was to me.
            "Thank you, so much for clearing that up, Bree." My voice tainted with sarcasm. Bree began to laugh at my annoyed expression.
            "Well, what do you want me to say? You did something, it's in the past, and the important thing is, you came back. You chose Zak. That's all that matters."
            "So, you don't think I should tell him?"
            "God, no. It would just ruin things again." Bree sat quietly, with her lips sealed tight. I could tell by her narrowed eyes, and curved smile, that she was needing to ask me something. "So, how was it?"
            "Charlie! The sex! How was it?"
            "Oh, my god, Bree. I am not answering that." I said, while I playfully threw the small pillow, that was placed behind me, over at her.
            "What? He was hot."
            I laughed with her, but I never did reveal the details of that night. Not because I thought she would spill to Aaron, but because I didn't feel right bragging about another man, when I made a commitment to Zak. My nerves were still shaken, as I continued to imagine him casually bumping into Charlie. No, that would never happen. I have nothing to worry about.
             The next morning, Zak and the rest of the crew had made it to their location. As they climbed off the RV, they didn't see much. A lot of local shops, and restaurants. Which didn't bother them. They always loved going to those towns; Filled with small town charm, friendly people, and of course, the antique shops.
             Aaron approached Zak, and grasped his shoulders. "Hey, bro, how you feeling?" He asked. Zak turned, and wore the most confident smile.
            "I feel wonderful, man."
            "Can't stop thinking about Mel, can ya?"
            "She's going to be there, Aaron. Waiting for me when we get back. I keep seeing her in my head, standing outside in the driveway, welcoming me with open arms."
            "That's very poetic, bro."
            "Shut up, man. I don't make fun of that stupid blue crystal you wear so proudly." Zak said, as he flicked the necklace around Aaron's neck. Aaron grabbed ahold of the crystal, to stop it from spinning.
            "Fuck off, dude." Aaron scoffed. Zak laughed, and they walked down the sidewalk to their lockdown location.
            As they approached the building, a small bar, finished with red bricks, and dirty white shutters, Aaron immediately started snapping pictures for his Snapchat story. Billy and Zak did the same, and of course, filmed Bacon, as he performed some crazy stunt Zak put him up to. Once the laughter stopped, a handsome man stepped out onto the sidewalk. "Hey, it's the ghost adventures crew!" The man exclaimed. Zak turned, and with a strong grip, shook the mans hand.
             "That's us. Are you Bob?" Zak asked.
             "No, that would be my father. I meant to email you guys, he actually passed away not long ago. He left the bar to me, along with the town motel."
             "Oh, I'm so sorry." Zak said, with a sympathetic nod. "I'm Zak, this is Aaron, Billy, Jay, and our friend Bacon. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

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