10. When will you stop bullshitting?

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10.  When will you stop bullshitting?

When Tony finished calling and messaging for help, he sighed and looked around. The apartment was so quiet, it felt almost dead.

Bruce was sitting on his usual place on the kitchen counter, back towards the others, reading old newspapers while his coffee went cold again. Only the regular tapping of his foot betrayed his emotions. Tony straightened, dragging his stiff leg off the couch and onto the floor, feeling electric pain shoot across the nerves. At least, I can still feel it, he told himself with a grim smile.

Beside him, Loki sat as far as was physically possible on the couch. His head laid back, eyes closed, he could have been asleep. Except Tony knew he wasn't. He watched the subtle lines appear on his forehead every now and then and wondered what nightmares revisited him.

His own, Tony knew very well. They were like best friends now, without any of the friendship. Nightmares. He shuddered and got up, telling himself firmly that everyone had their own, they weren't unique to him.

He had been postponing something since the two agents had left. It was something highly tough and also very, very unlike him. He could feel the anxiety at the back of his tongue, bitter and inexplicable.

He dragged himself to the bedroom door and knocked once, twice. Without waiting for an answer, he walked in and found Naz, on one side of the bed, sitting on the floor, back resting against the bed, staring with unfocused eyes.

"Hey," he said quietly, hopping towards her and finally tumbling to the floor beside her.

"Hey," she said, her face looked flushed, feverish even but her eyes were the same calming ones that could draw out the most calming waves across the most rocky beaches.


"You could say that," she said, looking away, towards the sky that spilled in through the window.

"Can I interrupt?"

She shrugged.

"I am a jerk who doesn't deserve a friend like you." He looked at her, desperately. "Say something."

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