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I stood there, as the fire consumed me
the tongues of flame licking harshly at my skin,
I stood there as it burned me, watching
mesmerized by the beauty
the destroyer and builder
the enemy and friend
it is life, and it is death
gentle if you approach it with an open mind, but
a dagger to your throat in the middle of the night
if... you decide to challenge it
the beginning of a warm day and
the end of a cold night
always two things at once
always the opposite of itself
never pleasing or satisfying either side
it is the one element humans are the most afraid of.



I can feel his eyes drilling into the back of my head. Analyzing my every move, he is watching me. I can feel the shivers exploding at the base of my spine. I allow them to snake up my back and explode throughout my body. The sound of heavy footsteps suddenly develop in the overwhelming chaos of my surroundings. The syncopation of theirs and my own begin to frighten me. They are beginning to gather, slowly trickling in from various routes and compiling together. Head down, feet scurrying, I try to walk faster; my heart is pounding against my chest and fear is coursing through my veins. Two strong arms wrap around my waist, covered in different shades of ink, in various designs. I relax, recognizing them instantly. My hands resting lightly on his as I lean my head back slightly to rest against his shoulder, simultaneously closing my eyes. There was something about him that calmed my erratic mind. There was something about him that dissipated the shadows. Everything that hunted either of us evaporated when we were in each other's presence. We were stronger together, everything and everyone since the beginning knew that or felt it at least. No one bothered him when I was around, as if I was his bodyguard and he was mine.

He didn't care if people wanted to pick a fight with him, just as they approached him about it when I wasn't around. I would return home sometimes to see him with a black eye, bloody nose, with cracks and bruises covering his body. He would try his best to hide them from me, but I always ended up finding out. Which caused me to cry in my room for hours, too scared to face the damage. I wanted him to stop, to not let them get to him, but he never listens. He said that he fought for my safety, for my well-being. He said that if he didn't then people wouldn't leave me alone and the shades would only get darker and that terrified him. He repeatedly told me that he would die for me without hesitation, and I hated it. He was so concerned about preserving my innocence that he completely ignored, not just his health but mine too. Throughout time it had been like this, even though he knew I could protect an entire country by myself if it came down to it. He never listened though.

No one understood our relationship. I had always been the quiet artist, and he was the obnoxious fighter. Everyone knew who he was and no one had a clue that I even existed. I was his innocent little angel and he was my ruthless demon. Yet I loved him endlessly, because I know who he really is and he knows who I am. Yet we both knew it wouldn't last. Something new was coming, we could feel it. We prepared to face it together, but everything that we had experienced for the thousands of years that we have existed could not have prepared us for this.

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