1: Stark White

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Endless Darkness


And infinite

It's breathtaking in a horrific way

Screeching noise

And endless sleep.

It's flying without wings to a destination unknown.

Infinite possibilities

Uncharted territory

It's absolute freedom without the lingering fear of determination.

No where to hide

No where to run

Your utterly exposed

Yet encased in a cocoon of shadows.

It is simplicity at its finest,

And complexity to the core.

It is the familiar

And the foreign,

All at once.

It is the beginning of life,

And the end of death itself.



I remember every detail as if it was yesterday, instead of thousands of years ago. My very 1st memories still very strong, prominent and visible in my mind.


My eyes fly open as I suck in a large breath of oxygen into my newly molded lungs. The overwhelming radiation of power in the hall, paralyzed my senses. Quickly recovering, I take in my surroundings. I'm standing in front of a large throne. Intricate carvings in gold and silver cover its wooden structure. I longed to trace every line with my finger, memorizing its every detail. The man on the throne was simply breathtaking. His curly brown/blond hair was styled to emphasize his father-like features. His eyes were black disks and I knew instantly that I didn't want to make this man upset. He was staring at me, curiosity and interest quite evident in his eyes. Captivated by their intensity, I study them more closely. Flecks of purple, blue and red were interspersed throughout the pitch black with lightning bolts of silver and gold closer to where the iris was supposed to be. Slowly his eyes change from black to a friendly purple as a loving smile spread across his face. I smiled back shyly, quickly looking down at my feet. Footsteps ring throughout the vast arena. A pair of feet soon appearing a few yard in front of mine, looking up to see a boy very similar to the man of the throne. The same dark hair, same sculpted appearance, however, this boy did not hold the gentle and kind aurora that the man possessed. His daunting yellow eyes paralyzed me and his pale yellow skin terrified me. He raised his hand towards my face. Without hesitation, I leaned away from his touch, unsure if I could trust him. I glanced up at the man on the throne, as he gave me an encouraging nod.

"It's okay." He said. His voice was like velvet, soft and gentle, "You can trust him."

Standing up straight, I stare at the boy in front of me as his hand tucked some of my hair behind my ear.

"Where am I?" A voice rang out beside me. My head snapped in that direction to observe the being standing next to me. We were about the same height; He was maybe an inch or so taller than I. His hair was a soft golden color with threads of silver throughout it. He was quite muscular, similar to the other two males I had seen so far. His prominent cheek bones and chiseled face shape resembled theirs as well. The confusion personified on his face, displayed what I currently felt. He turned towards me, looking me up and down before our eyes met. I couldn't stop the gasp that left my lips at that moment, his eyes were entirely golden. They worked as mirrors allowing me to see myself for the first time. I appeared to look exactly like him, except something in the color of my features was different from his.

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