Chapter 6

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Janie sat on the couch reading, able to stay up a little later since she was older. That was about Joey and Danny were getting ready to leave. Danny had to do sports on his show, and Joey was heading for a comedy club.

"Janie, remember, I want you to help Uncle Jesse while we're gone if he needs it." Janie nodded, not looking up from her book.

"Kay, Dad." Danny smirked, before coming around to the front of her and tilting her book down so that her eyes were on him, not the page.

"I mean it, Janie." He told her. "Your Uncle Jesse's not exactly a kid expert. He'll need some help. And I feel like DJ's smart enough to attempt at pulling a fast one on him. Much like you did on me when you were younger." Janie remembered it all too well. She had convinced Danny to let her borrow his credit card and bought a pony, then ate two whole cartons of ice cream and ended up throwing it all back up.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll help Uncle Jesse." She told him. Danny smiled, and kissed her forehead.

"Alright, honey. See you in the morning." He told her, just as Jessie himself came downstairs, carrying his band equipment, and all three men bumped into each other trying to get out the door.

"Oh, Joey, Danny.How are you guys doing. Good night." Jesse said hurriedly, opening the door half way, before Danny stopped it

"Whoa, whoa. Hold it guys. Red light." He told them. "Guys, the only way that three adults can leave the house at the same time at nine o' clock is if four children are with them. Two adults can leave, one adult can leave, one thirteen year old child can leave between eight in the morning and seven in the evening, four, three, two or one child can leave with one to three adults. The three adults can never leave with four or less children unless its between eight in the morning and seven in the evenning, which leaves three adults unable to leave with three or less children. Got it?" Jesse held up his hands, stopping Danny.

"Look, thats all fascinating stuff. But I have to get to band rehersal." Joey nodded.

"Yeah. I have a ten thirty slot at the Laugh Machine." Danny shrugged.

"I have to do the sports at ten o' clock. I'm sorry, Jesse." Jesse furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean "I'm sorry, Jesse" Why not I'm sorry Joey or I'm sorry Danny?"

"Because I have an acuatal job that pays money." Danny explained.

"And I bring the gift of laughter into the world at ten thirty." Joey threw in.

"And I'm thirteen and its past seven in the evening." Janie added, turning the page in her book absentmindly. "Meaning, I'm not allowed to stay home alone."

"Yes, well I make music,songs that touch peoples hearts, that penetrate their very souls." Jesse defended, and turned to Joey. "Now how can you compare that to telling jokes?" Joey looked offended.

"Are you seriously trying to tell me that music is more important then comedy?" Jesse set down his equipment and crossed his arms.

"You got it, pal." Joey crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes at Jesse.

"Two words. Ozzy Osborne."

"Two more words. Rip Taylor." Jesse threw back.

"The Partrige Family."

"Anyone on Hee-Haw."


"Bozo" Joey's eyebrows rose.

"Hey. Bozo did some brilliant work." Jesse thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Oh yeah, right, right.The early Bozo was real good. I'm sorry." Joey put his hands on his hips, looking Jesse up and down.

"Ok. We'll settle this with the only way truly fair way." Both men held out their fists in a position meant only for Rock, Paper, Scissors. "Ready go." They went through, and it ended with Joey as paper and Jesse as rock, declaring Joey the winner. "Once again comedy kicks musics butt!" He cheered as he danced out the door. Danny patted Jesse's shoulder.

"I'm sorry man. All three little girls are sleeping like angels, and Janie knows to head up at nine thirty. I know I could trust you Jesse. If there's even the slightest problem..." Jesse waved him off.

"Yeah,yeah go live your life." He told him. "Hey. Babe it's fine. I'll just give up my dreams to be a success in the music business. I'll sit home and read..." He picked up one of the books that Stephanie had given them. Honey Bunny and the Wee Little Glen." Danny smiled at him.

"I couldn't put it down." Jesse gave him a look, before pushing him out the door.

"Get out of here." Danny left with a chuckle, and Jesse looked to Janie, who had read through the whole conversation. "Hey, Jane. What are you reading there?"

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." She told him, completely undisturbed. "I have Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm with me if you'd prefer that?" Jesse considered for a moment, then nodded.

"Ah, what the heck?" He sat down in the chair adjacent from her. "Hand it over."

Janie Tanner ~A Watty's 2019 SubmissionWhere stories live. Discover now