Candy Canes and Cigarettes

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Chapter 9

Cait's POV

After I cleaned up the tub, now stained red, I stood up, tucking the blades into my pocket. 6 new cuts on each wrist bled onto my sleeves as I pulled them down. I stepped gingerly onto the carpet outside the bathroom door, checking for Dallas. I didn't see him, but I immediately knew he was downstairs, as his light snoring climbed up the stairs. That's so sweet, I thought. He waited for me. I thought he had left hours ago.

It was mid afternoon by now, and I needed to leave. It was pouring rain outside, and I didn't know where I was going, but I knew Dallas wouldn't want me living with him anymore. When he had invited me here, he had no idea he was dealing with a basket case. I stepped into "our room", quickly gathering my small amount of belongings, and throwing them into my drawstring bag. I left almost all of the things he had bought me on the bed.

I tossed my bag up and onto my shoulders, as I slid on my converse and stepped back out into the hall.

I walked back into the bathroom, and took out my red lipstick, facing the mirror. I knew this was a good spot to put the note; he would check here for me first. I scribbled down a messy apology, and shut off the light, tip toeing down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I spotted Dally sleeping on the couch in the living room. I took one last look at his face, preparing to leave. He was gorgeous, and I hated to be leaving him, but I had no choice. Distracted by thoughts of Dally, I began to turn the doorknob. When I tried to open the door, the lipstick slipped out from my loose grasp, and landed on the tile floor with a sharp 'clack', spinning across the floor. Dallas' snoring stopped, as he turned his head up in the direction of the noise. His face was confused and innocent, quite different from the hard-ass I knew. He was still adorable. When he finally registered what was happening, he sat up.


Quickly, before I could change my mind, I yanked open the door, slamming it shut, and sprinted down the stairs. I ran down the street, in no particular direction, and was immediately hit with buckets of rain pouring down on me. Figures, I thought, that in my well-planned escape, I forgot to put on a jacket. I heard the door being ripped open, and thudding footsteps down the porch.

"Caitlin! Hey!" Dallas yelled from behind me. "Jesus Christ slow the fuck down!" A small cry escaped my lips, as tears streamed down my cheeks. I ran faster, breathing hard, and I could hear Dallas catching up with me. I ran into the park, my shoes squishing on the wet grass. The rain falling on me from all angles was making it difficult to see, but I kept going. I ran as fast as my legs would go, but halfway across the field, I was tackled by a soaking wet Dallas. We skidded to a stop, covering me with mud, and I panted hard, trying to catch my breath. I tried to stand up and run, but his body weight had me pinned to the wet grass. I cried a little harder, mentally yelling at myself for being such a baby. He flipped me over so he could look at me.

"What..... the fuck.... are you...... doing..?" He said, panting for breath. His white tank was now covered in mud, and his wet hair draped over his forehead in short brown wisps.

"I- I just-," I choked out between sobs. "I'm just a big fuck up, and- and- I'll never be- good enough for anyone- and- I'm such a freak that-" I tried to talk I'm between the tears, but it was no use. I hung my head. "I'm s-sorry Dal."

He was quiet for a moment, thinking about what I just said, when he moved. He put his rough hands on my cheeks, and lifted my face towards his. He said nothing, but pressed his lips against mine. I had no time to think; was I dreaming? I kissed him back, the rain falling harder, as he pulled me closer.

Dallas' POV

When I kissed her, it was like I had died and gone to heaven, man. It was so much better than I had imagined. I can't believe I actually did it. And she kissed me back.

It was so cliché. The rain, I mean.

When she kissed me back, I smiled, pulling her in closer to me. She ran her fingers through my wet hair, and down my neck. I pressed her down onto the muddy grass and slid my tongue in her mouth, absorbing every inch of her.

She tasted like candy canes.

"Dal," she said, hesitantly pulling away from the kiss.

"Yeah babe?"

"What was that for?"

"For all the times I wanted to do it but was too scared."

She thought about it for a second, and smiled, clearly happy with that answer.

"Okay." She said, pulling me into another long kiss.

Cait's POV

I couldn't believe this. But I loved every second of it. Damn he sure knew how to get me to shut up. The rain fell, but it didn't bother me anymore; nothing mattered to me right now. All I could focus on was Dally.

He tasted like cigarettes.



I'm trying something new, so:

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K bye


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