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"TRAVIS HURRY UP!!!" I yelled at Travis as he and his friend were unpacking. Travis' friend had light brown hair and Baby blue eyes and he walked over to me "Hey cutie I'm Laurence Zvahl ." Laurence said "Hi I'm Y/N!"I said cooly  "Laurence are you hitting on my sister again?" Travis said annoyed. "Maybe." Laurence said
-Timeskip to later that evening-
Travis, Laurence, and I played truth or dare and it was Travis's turn to ask me "Okay Y/N truth or dare."Travis asked "Dare" I said and Travis smirked "Okay Y/N I dare you to cuddle Laurence tonight." Travis said while smirking and I just blushed along with Laurence. "Alright Fine I'll do it just to get you to stop smirking Travis." I said annoyed. Travis turned on a movie and made Laurence  and I sit next to each other and I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I looked over to see Laurence smirking and he looked cute. GAH WHAT ARE YOU THINKING Y/N I JUST MET THE DUDE. Well he is kinda cute I guess I kinda like him. After the movie ended Travis smirked "Okay you two time for the cuddle session." Travis said with a smug look on his face  "Fineee!" Laurence and I said at the same time and we went to my room. I lay down and Laurence lays next to me and we cuddled and Travis was standing in the doorway watching with a smirk on his face. As I fell asleep Travis left to go to his room and Laurence was playing with my H/L H/C hair. And I fell asleep in Laurence's arms.

Y/N actually fell asleep in my arms and I blushed because I've known her since elementary school and when we wake up I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. And I eventually fall asleep.

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