A secret?

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I took Y/N to the Movie theatre and I saw Aphmau. I went over with Y/N and I introduced her "So Aph this is my new Girlfriend." I said while looking at Y/N

I don't like him talking to another girl but I guess it will be okay we walked away from her to get popcorn and Laurence saw her looking at us then kissed me but I didn't kiss back I just ran home in the rain. "Y/N?! What's wrong?" Travis said with concern. "L-Laurence was o-only dating me to get Aphmau jealous!!" I said while Hugging him and crying into his shoulder. "Hey why don't I make F/F for the two of us?" Travis said while trying to lighten the mood "That sounds good okay!" I said smiling a little. While Travis was making F/F I ran up to my room and changed into a normal F/C tee shirt with S/F/C sleep pants and ran downstairs to seeLAURENCE standing there I try to hide but he sees me and comes over to me. "Y/N I-" Laurence started but I ran up to my room I heard him start to come after me but Travis stopped him. I lay in bed for what seems like hours then Travis walks in with F/F and I smile weakly "Here you go Y/N and I took care of Laurence." Travis smirked then all of a sudden I heard Dante scream like a little girl and I ran outside to see Dante as a Talking piece of BACON!!! And I went on a laughing rampage "Y/N LUCINDA TURNED ME INTO TALKING BACON, GENE INTO TALKING EGGS, AND GARROTH INTO TALKING PANCAKES!!" Dante screamed I smirk and pick up Dante bacon and take him inside. "Awe look Little Dante got turned into a piece of bacon!" I said  "TRAVIS HELP!" Dante yelled   Travis just started to laugh.
-Timeskip to when they're not food-
I was in my room watching anime on my laptop and I heard a knock on my door thinking it was Travis I yelled "COME IN!" But instead of Travis it was Laurence and I just put my earbuds back In and tried to ignore him. But he made me look at him and said "Y/N/N I'm sorry." "Forgiven but that doesn't make everything okay and only Travis is allowed to call me by my nick name. I said bluntly.  "Y/N I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." Laurence said "I THOUGHT YOU F**KING LOVED ME LAURENCE BUT I GUESS I WAS WRONG!" I yelled out of anger and stormed outside .
I see Laurence back in high school I have a big crush on him I see him flirting with Aphmau I cry and run away "How could I be so stupid?" I ask myself. "Why would A guy like Laurence Zvahl like a girl like me?" I also ask myself. I run into Travis's arms crying.
~End of Flashback~

I fall in the road and look up to see yellow headlights but I don't move then I feel someone pull me out of the way then everything goes black.
"Y/N! Y/N!"I hear a voice say. And I open my eyes to see Garroth, Zane, Dante, Laurence, Travis, Aaron and Vlayd looking down at me. "Y/N I'm glad I saved you in time!" Zane said and then I pulled down his mask and I kissed him. Zane blushed and I think I heard Laurence Growl. I run up to my room and lay on the bed. Then I hear a knock on my door.


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