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I woke up to see Y/N still asleep in my arms and I smiled. And I looked up to see Travis RECORDING US!! While he had a smirk on his face . And then Y/N woke up and looked up at me ."This is going on YouTube!" Travis said with a smirk."Sorry about my little brother Laurence." Y/N said "HEY YOU'RE ONLY OLDER BY A MINUTE!" Travis said defending himself. "Um Y/N since I've known you since elementary school will you be my girlfriend?  "Duh I will Laurence." Y/N said. I hugged her and she snuggled up to me. I kissed her forehead. I love her so much. I smirk and Y/N looks at me confused. And I kissed her and she KISSED ME BACK!! I slowly closed my eyes as I kissed her. we stayed like that till I looked up and saw Garroth standing in the doorway and in shock. "Um hi Garroth?" I said awkwardly breaking off the kiss. "I'M TELLING DANTE!!" Garroth yelled running across the street to his house he shares with Dante. " Um babe what do we do since you know how Dante gets?" Y/N said. "Um lock the front door." I said while running downstairs and I locked the doors in the house. I sat on the couch and then Dante and Garroth broke the front door down. "MY DOOR!" Y/N Yelled clearly annoyed. "WE SAW YOU TWO KISS!!" Dante Yelled    "Dante your my ex so stop worrying if I'm talking to a male potato. "Okay fine!" Dante said with sass and walked out.  

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