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Well Aphmau invited Travis and I to a sleepover at her place tonight, Travis is forcing me to go because I know what he'll do if I don't go. I pack an overnight bag and I walk to Aph's house in the snow and when she opens the door she engulfs me in a big bear hug. Crud Zane is here why?! I sigh and sit next to a drunk Garroth. After an awkward 20 minutes with Garroth Aphmau said that we'd be playing truth or dare and I froze in my place. The Game started and Aphmau said " Y/n truth or dare?" "Dare!!" I said She smirked and said " I DARE YOU TO SIT IN LAURANCE'S LAP!!!" And I froze blushing Travis didn't look too mhappy as I got up and sat in Laurance's lap.We are both blushing like crazy while Kawaii~Chan is freaking out and taking pictures Laurence and I were blushing like  mad."Hmm Aphmau truth or dare?" I asked "DARE!" She responded I smirk and say "I dare you to sit in Aaron's Lap!" And she gets as red as a tomato. After a while I fall asleep with Laurence and I know Kawaii~Chan is watching us and taking pictures. I hear everyone else cooing at how sweet we are together and I start to blush in my sleep. I hear all the girls giggle and the rest of the guys chuckle softly. In the morning I don't realize that I'm cuddled up to Laurence who's wearing only his Boxers. I start to blush like mad and I slowly get up so I don't wake him up. I start to make breakfast for everyone and I have trouble making the pancakes. I turn on Perfect by Ed Sheeran. I love this song for many reasons the primary reason is that it makes me think of my future. I think about how my mother died and how I'm going to wear her wedding dress one day. I blush at the thought of getting married because I'm still a little shy. Everyone wakes up and eats their breakfast. Then Laurence, Travis, and I go home while everyone else goes home . I had fun and I think Laurence and I have stronger feelings for eachother now! I can't wait to see what happens next!

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