Nightmares: Tyler x Reader

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PS this is Tyler from Markimoos channel if chu didn't know!
I was woken by Tyler tossing, turning and mumbling beside me. I looked over at him and his face was all scrunched up , sweat dripping down his face.

I reached my hand over concerned going to wake him up , when he shot up shouting and breathing heavily. I jumped and let out a little scream surprised. He looked over at me tears streaming down his face before I could say anything he engulfed me in a bear hug silently sobbing into the crook of my neck.

I was surprised but I hugged back quickly and after awhile I started playing with his hair he always says it calms him down when he upset or stressed with  work or something else.

As I heard his sobs subside and he stopped shaking as much so I decided to talk to him "hey" I started softly and quietly as if talking to one of my injured animals (yes you're a vet!! You work with baby animals mostly)

"Do you want to talk about it?"I asked softly he nodded into my neck he sat up straight against the head board pulling his knees to his chest as I reached over turning the dim night light on. I sat beside him bringing him into a hug where his head was laying on my lower stomach facing up towards me as I played with his curls.

He took a deep breath and started talking " it was a nice normal dream just you and me in a sunny flower filled field , it was full of Poppy's , primroses , lilacs and even more" he took a shakey breath "until the sun disappeared and everything went dark ,and more I importantly you disappeared , I heard " he took another shakey breath as tears filled his eyes threatening to spill out "screams , terrible , ghostly screams , of children , bodies hung by ropes appeared on the tree's surrounding the field , all of them dead the children and the trees" tears were now streaming down the side of his face by his ears "a-and  someone appeared their face hidden by shadows walking out from the trees and as soon as they stepped near the flowers , they all wilted and turned to greys and blacks " I wiped his tears away with my thumbs "they were holding a knife stained with blood ,their hands completely red , an already made noose in their hands they started singing an eerie tune about a hanging tree " he squeezed his eyes shut biting his lip holding back a sob "t-then they spoke and i-it was you y/n , i-it was y-you , then they last thing I saw before I woke up was a knife headed towards my head and your smile "

He started sobbing again I sat in shock my hands hand long stopped playing with his curls, I sat him up and hugged him tightly "you don't have to worry , I'm here , the sun isn't gone , there are no dead children , and no me murdering you ,you're safe" I said my hand around his torso hugging him whilst my other hand resting in his hair.

"Can you sing to me until I fall asleep" I heard Tyler after me whispering sweet nothings to him , and his sobbing residing to occasional whimpers "of course" I said back softly as he lay his head on my stomach again closing his eyes. I started playing with his curls again as I thought "can you sing an irish lullaby?" He asked quietly "Ok if that's what you want" I responded softly smiling (I'm Irish deal with it!)

"My Bonnie lies over the ocean
My Bonnie lies over the sea
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me

Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me"

I sang softly I soon dozed off to the calming sound of Tyler's soft breaths.

Little's cute nightmare shot for you guys hope you enjoyed!and yesh  I is an Irish potato and grew up with Irish lullabies! So I don't really know others lullabies so have an Irish one!!if you have a request comment or DM me!bye bye!

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