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            My Name Is Marife ( Mary-Fe ) Today I am 16 years old and was born in August 7 , 2000 in Brooklyn, NY. My mom's name was Marisol , She was a beautiful women and strong-minded. She became the only women in the family to make it to high school graduation and college and became a teacher, patrol officer, life guard. She was perfect ! But don't get it twisted she had a background of hers. She had a life, she made many memories with her friends and family. She had a Bestfriend name Mindy who I spoke to and she told me my mom was sweet , funny , done silly things and always scared of her mom. Got into light trouble , my mom was a comedian , always had someone peeing in their pants and if my mom had beef her Bestfriend was always there to defend her.

     My mom had a love life. This man name was Jose, he loved my mom dearly and so did my mom. My mom was OBSESSED with this man. My mom would write in her diary and fill many pages about him. No matter what that man had a spot in her heart. Jose was a dominant person, literally A DOMINANT PERSON. He had best of both worlds but always came home to my mom. Until one day my mom found out she was HIV + , my mom still ain't gave up. She was a housewife, but she lived in her parents house. You may look at is as why my mom haven't gotten her own house to herself. Let's just say my mom cared ALOT for her parents , especially her mom. Her mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. So my mom will cook , clean , take care the household with her mom. My mom paid her mom $200 every week and come to think, everything my mom had done, she done it in HER HOME. Not like any other women they get pregnant somewhere than their home. My mom was only 22 and pregnant with a boy soon named Jose. Jose jr was born in August 26, 1992. My mom and her husband and Jose jr lived a happy life until couple years later her husband passed away , cause of death HIV. My mom was sad, of course. But couple years later around 1999, my mom was still looking for love.  My mom was still enjoying her life, one night she went to a club called " Casa De Blanka" and met a man name Ramon " Gilberto" , since that night my mom was back in love with this man. My mom decided to tie her tubes cause she didn't want anymore kids. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Jose and have kids with him but HIV came in between and one of them had to go. November 1999, my mom was pregnant. August 7,2000 she gave birth to a Babygirl name Marife. My mom was happy to have a girl, she kept thanking Ramen for giving her a Babygirl. MEver since then, my father would go back and forth to see my mom and give her money to take care of me. My father had a secret.

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