In God's Hands

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           My Mom Was Sick, but was still strong in the outside. Having 2 kids at home being taken care of by her parents while she works hard. Continuously coming home with money to take care of her parents. My mom had siblings. My mom was the oldest out of 2. She had a brother named Valentine and the youngest Patricia and 2 oldest half brothers named Gilbert and Choco.
      Choco was the oldest from the Moms side. Choco started his life good but ended worst. He started in the right path by joining the army. Stories I heard about him was he went to Kong in the army and made a baby out there, somewhere in Kong there's a half-Asian half-puertorican child who is a grown person today as you are reading. Choco came back to New York , gave up in the army and became a drug addict, but looked stylish, all he ever worn the most was gold jewelry. He lived around corner from his parents house, had his own gang called , Rebel Devils. Back in the days they killed robbed and did drugs. Choco fell in love with a women and made 5 girls. He wanted a boy so bad. Choco continued to be a drug addict and that's how he lived life. Until one day 1997, he was found dead in his apartment with a needle still injected to his arm and all his jewelry was gone. No one knows the real story on how he really died.
        Gilbert was the second oldest brother in the family, he was more into soul train music and he danced as if he was apart of soul train. He will be outside with his gang and they will dance on the cardboard with the big radio and stunt the old day dances that all parents Today do and tell you " YOU DONT KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THIS" , " THIS WAS ALL THE LADIES WAS DOING , NONE OF THAT TWERK AND ASS GRINDING" And no lie, dances back in the days looked better than the dances we do today. Gilbert fell in love with a women name Dolly , they made a baby boy name Jessie. Ever since Jessie was born, Dolly took him away to live in Florida, Gilbert never got the chance to meet his son ever since then. They first met when Gilbert was in his death bed in the hospital he was in his mid 50s and Jessie was in his early 20s AND THEY ARE JUST MEETING THE FIRST TIME. During Gilbert's life , he found another women named Nena , they was deeply in love , they shared music together and many memories. Nena had kids her own and Gilbert raised them as if they were his. As Gilbert was getting older, he started doing drugs such as Heroin. He will be found in the streets walking like a zombie. He once forgot who were his nieces and nephews names , even his sisters names. His youngest half sister, Patricia was helping him go to a rehab program so he can get back on track with life. Gilbert became straight and stopped doing drugs, he started remembering his family and funny moments he would share with Patricia. Gilbert found out he had liver cancer , they had to cut open half of his stomach to work on his liver. November 2013 going to December 2013 Gilbert was in the hospital , in his death bed. For one day he was fine and sharing a lot of moments with all of his family. He shared memories with his little sister and nieces and nephews and his loved one Nena. Next day, Gilbert suddenly acted like a zombie, wasn't talking correctly, his loved one Nena on the side all depressed letting Patricia know " He's Already Dead .. " His Body still moving but no signs that Gilbert was still there. Gilbert died December 2,2013.
Marisol a 31 year old women , still living as a working women and a housewife . It's all about the money and her kids and parents. Until she needed a vacation for herself. Her friends invited her to go to Santo Domingo. She left home her 1 year baby girl and 10 year old son with her parents. Marisol deserved a vacation, with all the hard work she put in the house and at work, Santo Domingo wasn't so bad. As she was in Santo Domingo , Marisol Attracted haters. A man was insanely in love with her and he had a women and that women poisoned her drink and Marisol came back to New York sick. Marisol believed in spirits. Marisol and her mother used to work on people and take witch craft serious. They once went to a spirit house , a house full of chicken heads, chicken blood, dolls, and books with more info about it. Marisol's nephews were terrified to go in with her. When Marisol arrived home from Santo Domingo sick she had a friend. This friend gave her a cup of chicken blood to drink and that was Marisol's last day living. Marisol died in the hospital July 4, 2002.
Valentine was the second youngest boy in the family, Valentine was named after being born in February 14, 1972. He grew up being the bully. When he was young, he would physically fight with Marisol over stupidity such as food or petty arguments. He was defensive when it came to his little sister Patricia. Valentine would get into trouble and get the worst from his mom. So far from what I know, he yelled out that he want to run away and his mom heard him and refused him to strip his clothes and leave the house. Valentine was outside BUTT NAKED ! Begging to come back home. As Valentine got older, he was in a motorcycle gang called the Red Devils. They were all red crew and they rode motorcycles everywhere. He was the fattest guy in the crew making wheelies on his motorcycle until one day he over did the wheelie and hurt himself but he still didn't give up the bike life. He fell in love with a women name Janet, made a baby boy name AJ. Things went upside down with Valentine. He became a selfish person. He took custody of his 2 nephews Justin and Jonathan. The way he took them was he recorded his little sister Patricia go insane from getting out the hospital asking for her boys, she was wearing her hospital clothes and her mindset wasn't straight. So, Valentine took advantage of Justin and Jonathan. The boys were getting $13,000 a month from foster care. Valentine will buy them new sneakers, gold chains and new clothes and the rest goes on a new car and his pleasure. One day, Janet accused Jonathan for crashing Valentines escalade, Valentine was in a room with Jonathan trying to shoot him with a BB Gun. Ever since then Jonathan and Justin ran away and Valentine continued taking Justin and Jonathan foster check. Valentine and Janet broke up and long time and soon he married a BBW named Jessie. Today as you reading, Valentine is still living and driving around in a charger and Patricia always says to herself that charger and every gold chain he haves on is Justin's and Jonathan's Property. Valentine could've got locked up for still having the checks coming while the boys weren't living with him but his little sister forgives him and wouldn't want her one and only brother living on earth behind bars.
Patricia the baby out of everyone grew up following her one and only sister Marisol and following her brother Gilbert. Patricia grew up as the black sheep in the family. As a child, Marisol and Valentine will tell her she was born in the trash, her parents weren't her parents, but today Patricia laughs about it because she knows it was all a joke. Patricia will always get defended by her brother Valentine or Marisol. One day Patricia left Catholic school and had a gold chain and she got robbed and Valentine caught the person the next day and beaten him. Another time Patricia was pregnant and got into a fight in school and the girl kicked Patricia in the stomach , the upcoming weekend Marisol beat the girl in her block and then fought the girls brother after beating up the girl. Patricia was sort of a Monkey see Monkey do kind of girl. At a age of 8 , she was hanging with the big boys who were her brothers friends. She's 8 and they are 15 and older to their 20s. Patricia wasn't dumb, she knew the game and knew how to chill, but Patricia mom was against every single thing Patricia was up to. Patricia mom never wanted to give birth to Patricia in the first place, her mom considered her the child she Wish she never had. Patricia started to smoke cigarettes at age 8 , her mom found out and burnt her hand in the stove. Patricia was 13 years old, she met a boy age 18. Patricia wanted to know how to French kiss so she could kiss her crush name Steven. The 18 year old boy taught her, after she was taught she did it on Steven. After a while Steven made a baby girl to his girlfriend Jannette. Jannette was jealous of Patricia because she knew the chemistry Steven had for Patricia. Later on, Steven moved to Orlando, Florida. Patricia was left with the 18 year old boy and he took her virginity and gave her a baby boy at age 13 1/2. Patricia was frightened to tell her mom, but her mom already been knew by the people in the neighborhood. Patricia called her mom and told her " Ma , I got something to tell you .. I'm pregnant". Her mom said " Don't worry , just come home so you can eat ". Patricia went to see her mom and first thing she got was a beat down from her mom and then she got kicked out. Her mom and Marisol were very disappointed and left Patricia on her own. Patricia got herself an apartment. When she gave birth to her first baby boy Justin , first thing she did was to go home, " welp , last it time to go home " Doctors had to lay her back down to rest. Later on, she finally saw her sister Marisol carrying her baby boy and admiring him. From there Marisol forgave Patricia and took care of her and her baby boy. At 15, Patricia was pregnant again by the same father. She made another baby boy name Jonathan. A year later, while Justin and Jonathan were growing, the baby father decided to leave their lives with no words said to his kids or to Patricia. Patricia became independent, it was only her and her boys in one apartment. It was only Marisol and her mom spoiling the boys. They both bought boys Nintendo Game Systems. Patricia was angry because of the light They will take up, but she was happy the boys had something to keep them busy. Patricia was young and still wanted to have fun. She will usually give her boys medicine to keep them sleep so she could sneak out and have fun at night. Patricia dropped out in 6th grade and stood playing hookie parties and having fun. Old people in the block started to call her names, especially her mom. Baby father's aunt called her " Culo de Papa" Patricia mom will call her everything related to " Puta Sucia " Patricia will get so embarrassed. Patricia life even went more down the wrong path .....

Everyone else stood in god's hands except for Patricia.

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