Chapter 13-Truth or Dare

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(Pic of Tory)

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(Pic of Tory)

T⃣O⃣M⃣M⃣Y⃣'S⃣ ✙P⃣O⃣V⃣✙

"Go on Jake!" Jordan shouted from my side. She and Juliana had been dong this for the past 45 minuets now. I have done it myself a few times, but at the wrong point so I got hit by the girls. But then I spotted a old friend sat in front of me. I kicked him to get his attention and he turned around. "Hey Patrick!"

"Hey man!" He said getting up and coming to sit over with us. "Haven't seen you since last summer. How have you been?" He said squinting into the sun behind me.

"Yeah been good thanks. Been here and there but now here for good."

"Oh cool. But how come your here. I thought your sister was like 4 or something?"

I sigh and look over at Jordan. "I'm here with her." I point over at her.

"Is she your girlfriend? And is that Emily's twin over there as well?" He asks coking a eyebrow. I laughed at the thought of it.

"No way man! She is just a friend. And yes that is Emily's twin, Juliana." He leaned over me to get a better look at Jordan.

"Shame man, She would of been a good catch!" And with that he got up and walked over to them. I rolled my eyes at this, he hasn't seen me in I don't know how long and he would rather go talk to the girls. I slide back over to them and put my arm around Jordan. In one swift move she removes it. Dame!

"Hey?!" I protest. She shrugs her shoulders and looks over at Patrick. She smiled at him.

"Hey, your Patrick right? Your Tory's brother aren't you?" She said pointing to a blonde haired cheerleader. She was stood at the side lines of the pitch, pointing and giggling with her fellow cheerleaders.

"Yeah that's the name. And yeah that's my sister. She has football after the boys but she insists we get here early as she has a crush on one of the boys." Patrick said looking at his sister.

"OMG!! Who is it? I have to know. I need the DEETS!" Juliana exclaimed from Jordan's side. From who I knew here, Juliana basically lived of the roomers and secrets of people. So thus story was going to keep her happy for like 10 minutes probably.

"Well I don't pay attention much to be honest, but I think it's something like Jackson or Jason or Jacobe maybe?" Both the girls took a sharp intake of breath. I didn't get it. What had he said wrong?

"What?" I asked keen to know.

"Jacobe is my brother! And he has a hide crush in her to. Awww this is so cute. After practice, we must all hang!" Jordan said placing a hand in my arm. It sent shivers up my arm but I ignored them. It's probably just the cold. Right?

❦ J⃟O⃟R⃟D⃟A⃟N⃟S⃟ P⃟O⃟V⃟ ❦ (Jordan)

Once the practice was over, we all stayed to then watch the girls play. Well Jacobe stayed to watch the girls play. I was talking with Patrick and the others. He was over the moon when we told him that Tory had a crush on him to. He went red at first as he was annoyed that I had to her brother about the crush but then he got over it quickly. Then once she had finished, we all headed of the cafe to go get ice creams.
We are now currently sat in the park. We were all sat eating our ice creams and just nattering about random stuff.

"Okay how about a game of truth or dare?" Juliana asked stuffing the rest of the cone in her mouth. She ate ice cream so fast I was surprised that she didn't get a brain freeze.

"Sure thing." I said "How about you guys?"  The rest of them nodded.

"Okay.Well, I think Jordan. You should go first. So truth or dare?" Patrick said taking another big lick of his ice cream. I had to pick carefully. I had to be careful as Juliana always managed to get the Weirds things out of me.

"Truth." I said confidently.

"OOOO. What is your status on your love life?" Patrick said Wiggling his eyebrows in the was that Tommy does. I blushed red. I hadn't even told Juliana about me and Ryan.

"OOO there is something. Spill them beens!!" Juliana said jabbing her finger into my side.

"Well I am now going out with a guy called Ryan." I said timidly. Juliana jumped on top of me and hugged me so tight screaming the whole time.

"Wait how did I not now? I should of known first. But don't worry, You can be forgiven if at our sleep over tonight you fill Taryn and i in with all the details" I gave her a blank look. Oh shit, I had forgot about this sleep over. We had planed weeks ago. "You forgot didn't you? I can't believe you! Did you had other plans or is it just something to do with your short term memory lost?"

"Yeah lets go with that. Im so sorry. But i will and don't worry i will be there and telling you guys everything." I looked up at my brother to see what his reaction was. He just looked disgusted that I was going out with Ryan. I then looked of to Tommy. He didn't look to bothered to be honest. He showed no emotion on his face.

"Right Patrick your turn. Truth or Dare?" Juliana said then getting of me.

"Dare." He said smirking. I feel so sorry for him, He does not know what he got himself into. Juliana looked over at me and then back at him and smirked.

"I dare you to...Make out with Jordans leg."

"WHAT!" Both me and Patrick say at the same time.She surged he shoulders.

" Well if its not with her, You must make out with his." She said pointing over to Tommy who was glued to his phone. He drew up his head and scowled at Patrick. Patrick let out a small sigh and looked up at me.

"I'm so sorry about this." He said moving over to my legs. He rolled up my Jeans and he pulled up my leg and placed it in his lap. Tommy was now smirking with his camera on us.

"Its on live stream." He said in a smug tone.

"Oh yeah and you have to do it for 1 minute." Juliana announced. "THREE, TWO, ONE, GO!" And with that, his mouth was on my legs. He kissed my leg passionately. His tongue moved around on the surface of my skin. I was so glad that I had waxed yesterday.

He slowly started to work his way up my leg. He was moving up past my knee and now was going up my thigh. His kiss was strong. I let out a very quite moan, but then tried to cover it up by coughing. I did not want anyone to hear. Then all of a sudden, a hand cam down on Patricks shoulder. The hand gipped on tight and yanked him of in one quick move. Patrick grabbed his shoulder whimpering at the pain. I looked up at the boy that had done it. His chin clenched and his head held high. He held out a hand and I grabbed it. Once I looked into the eyes, I started to cower away.

"Hey Shane!" I said trying to pull my hand away from him. But he held on tight. He was about as over protective of me as my brothers were. His eyes narrowed and then he looked back down to the cowering person on the floor. "It was a game of truth or dare for goodness sake. He is a friend." I said still trying to wiggle my hand out of his grasp. He hadn't talked yet. Which worried me.

"Who is this?" Juliana asked now by the side of Patrick. I rolled my eyes and looked up at Shane.

"He is my dangerous ,annoying cousin. He is a cytopathic weirdo. So I beg, do not befriend him." I said giving him a fake smile. He grunted.

"I'm nothing like that. You just don't like it that I'm stronger than you, smarter than you and that I get what I want. And you think I'm a cytopath because I'm in the Scorpions. Plus just because I went to jail does not make me dangerous." Tommy's jaw dropped.

"How did you get into the Scorpions ?" He asked putting his phone in his back pocket. I looked down at my feet. This was one thing I did not want Shane to answer.

"I was born into it. You know how it is a family gang? Well my daddy- is the leader. Then there is all of Jordans brothers and her of course. Well that's when she can be bothered to come. I can tell you haven't been training, You are so weak. When did you last go on a heist?"

I looked up at my friends scared and confused faces. I hated my family for this reason sometimes. "Last year."

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