Chapter 8

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Ezra's P.O.V

   I recovered over night and relief of the pains from the fever were gone for now. Yet, I still was guilty about Hera taking my place for punishment. It wasn't her fault that I got sick, she even asked if I was ok and I stubbornly told her that I was fine. When has anyone asked if I was ok or just even wanted to talk with me even though I won't reply with words.

   I'm eating my morning meal as I watch Hera trying to heal herself. I wish I could go through the bars and help her but that wasn't a choice I could make. I didn't know how to pick locks let alone even find anything to pick the lock with. Plus, I would be caught and most likely punished for 'trying to escape.' I hate being helpless when there is someone that needs help and I can't do anything.

   I drank the rest of my water and ate the rest of my food since I didn't eat any of it yesterday. I looked down at the empty cup and plate then slide them aside for a clean-up slave to get later. I looked back up at Hera when I heard her hiss in pain. I stood up and grabbed the bars with a worry filling me. Hera noticed and smiled, "I'm alright. It just stings a little but I'll be fine."

   I took her word for it cause she didn't seem to bad as last night. I sighed and sat on the ground to wait for work. I wanted to repay Hera somehow for all that she has done for me. But how am I supposed to do that? Rip some of my clothes off and tie a bow around the dirty plate and cup and give it to Hera. Wow, it sounded worse now that I think about it. Not that I was going to do it.

   I had to think of something, but what? Just as I was thinking, the buzzard went off and I went to work, leaving Hera. I pushed the crates then went to the closet for my pick axe and next and last job for today. I still couldn't think of anything to give Hera still and it bugged me, if only there was a way to repay her.

As I dug, I wasn't paying attention until I paused for a moment to catch my breath from digging. I looked where I was digging and found something shiny. Curious, I kept digging until it revealed a couple of minerals! I thought this place was high and dry of them things since no one found them for a long time. I couldn't believe I found some and I was a perfect gift for Hera.

I stashed the minerals in my pocket and kept pretending to work. After an hour or so, we were finally done and I had something to repay for Hera. I would give the minerals to the guards and get the reward but I wasn't aloud to share the reward with anyone. So I had to sneak these to Hera and give her the minerals.

I put my pick axe away and headed back to the cells with the others. When we got back, I quickly slipped the minerals through the bars of Hera's cell then went into mine. I started to eat my food and wait for Hera to return from her job. When they came down the hall and put Hera in her cell, the guards saw the minerals. "You found minerals?" One of the guards said and Hera picked the minerals. "Theses?" Hera asked in her accent.

The guard picked up a examined the mineral then nodded. "It's not fake," the guard said to the other. "Then I guess you get the reward," the other guard said and they both left with the minerals. Hera raised an eyebrow at my and asked, "Did you give me those?" She asked in her normal voice and I gave a cheeky smile. "Ezra, you didn't have to do that," Hera said. I nodded yes and saw a appreciated smile spread across her lips. "Thank you," she said.

I smiled and kept eating my meal. Soon the guards came back with Hera's reward and she was flabbergasted to see a special meal. "Eat up," the guard said, "You have a busy day tomorrow." I didn't like the tone that the guard said and I could tell Hera didn't either. The other guard smiled deviously and chuckled a bit. Me and Hera watched the guards snickering while walking away.

"What was that about?" She asked and I shrugged. Whatever it was, it sounded bad for Hera. I was a bit scared for her and tried to finish the rest of my food. When I somehow finished my meal, I put it aside and Hera seemed like she wanted to give me some of the food but I had to wave it off or else we both get into trouble. I don't want Hera to get in trouble from me again.

When Hera was done eating, we talked or somehow communicated with each other. "Has anyone ever tried breaking out of this place?" She asked me. I was a bit taken back by the question but I shook my hand in a 'sorta' way. "Were they killed before they could get away?" She asked and I nodded. She hummed in a way that she was thinking. Was she planning to escape this place?

I started to ask a question, well motioning a question. I extended my arms like a ship and pointed up. "Do you want to know what it's like to fly?" She asked and I nodded. "Flying is an amazing feeling," she started to explain, "I always dreamed it when I was a little girl of soaring through the sky and my dream came true when I was traveling. Flying is a way for me to forget my problems and feel free."

I wished I could feel free like what Hera says it feels like. I only been on one ship in my entire life but I didn't exactly enjoy the ride. I smiled at the thought and yawned. "Someone sleepy?" Hera teased and I pointed at me with a raised eyebrow. Then I shook my head no making Hera laugh. I smiled and crawled over to my pillows. "Goodnight, Ezra," Hera said and I waved over then laid down and dreamed of flying.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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