Chapter 15- Jobs

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Riley's POV

"Mommy, why can't we go home? And why can't I see daddy?" Anna asked me sadly as I put pillow cases on the pillows. We were at my parents house, I was currently setting up an air mattress on the floor for me to sleep on, while Anna was still trying to figure out everything that just happened.
"Anna, mommy has to stay with her mommy and daddy for a while, so you'll spend some time with just mommy, and some time with just daddy." I explained as best as I could.
"Did you break hearts?" Anna asked innocently. I furrowed my brows, confused as to what she meant.
"What do you mean sweetie?" I questioned, walking to sit beside her on my old bed.
"Did you break hearts? Like Alicia's parents." Anna said again. Oh, Alicia's parents. She must've meant break up.
"No honey, daddy and I didn't... Break hearts. We still love each other very much, and we love you very much, don't forget that." I told her, kissing her head softly, before running my fingers through her hair. "Now it's about your bedtime, go brush your teeth." I added. Anna nodded, crawling off the bed and running to the bathroom across the hall. I sighed, standing up and finishing putting together my makeshift bed on the floor. Poor Anna doesn't understand what's going on, she doesn't realize that James and I are in trouble from our parents. I heard the door open about a minute later and turned, ready to tell Anna she didn't brush her teeth long enough, but stopped myself, seeing Emily.
"Hey." She said quietly, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorframe.
"Hey." I responded, looking in the bags I'd brought, hoping to find a pair of pyjamas for Anna. This was the first time Emily and I had had the chance to speak to each other alone, without anyone else listening. I didn't know what we would say, but I knew it was gonna be awkward.
"Uh listen, so Kate's always willing to give former A troupers jobs, if you need it. They pay well, and as soon as she hears you and James are back I'm sure she'll be promising you guys jobs." Emily said. I nodded.
"Okay. I'll consider." I mumbled. I really missed James, and Emily bringing him up was making me more upset about everything.
"I just thought maybe you and James could get jobs there together. So you could, you know, see each other." She explained. My eyes widened, she's genius. "I'll see you later." She added, walking away.
"I'm done mommy." Anna called happily, running into my room.
"Okay, let's get changed and in bed." I told her, suddenly a lot happier.


I knocked on the office door, waiting for Kate to look up. It was early, Kate was the only one here, but I don't want to be mobbed while trying to get a job. Kate looked up from her paperwork, spotting me and James outside her door. She dropped her pen, her eyes widening and mouth hanging open, doing absolutely nothing to attempt to close it. James and I stepped inside the office, Kate's eyes followed us, still huge. "Wh-what..... How did you...... What?" She stuttered looking at us in shock. James cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Surprise?" He said, as we watched Kate's eyes flit between us.
"Y-you're back." Kate stated, now that most of the shock was leaving her. I nodded.
"Yeah, we are. I don't mean to sound too forward, but we really need jobs, and Emily told us to come here." I explained. Kate nodded, her mouth now closed, but eyes still wide.
"Okay." She breathed. "I will definitely find space for you two." She said, causing James and myself to smile.

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