The Divorce

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Kayla POV

After I got to Shawn's house we cuddled and watched Harry Potter. I felt my eyes close. After a little bit I felt someone's arms leave me and I felt like Shawn left me.

But shortly after I felt someone get in the bed and pull me close to them again. I felt Shawn's bare chest against my back.

I turned over and rested my head on Shawn's chest.

I soon fell back asleep with the feeling of Shawn's abs against me, and his arms tightly around me. I felt safe and it was then I knew that Shawn would never leave me.


Today is the day that my parents divorce becomes official. I still can't believe that this is happening. I don't understand what went wrong, they always seemed so happy. You know what, I am going to go home and confront them and ask them why they are getting divorced so I can understand it better. I decide to wake Shawn up.

"Hey, Shawn. I am going to my house, I need to talk to my parents about the divorce."

"Yeah, of course. I will be here when you are done."

I Walked down the street to my house. I entered my house and I found my parents in the kitchen. "Mom, Dad, can I talk to you?"

"Yes, of course sweetheart." My mom said.

"I just want to know why you guys are getting a divorce."

"Come sit down." My dad said.

I took Shawn and we sat down at the kitchen table.

"Here is the thing honey, your dad met another woman." My mom said while looking down at her fingers.

"What! How could you do this to mom! I hate you!" I Screamed standing up.

"Kayla..." My dad said.

"Go away! Now! I don't want to see you!"

My dad left and went upstairs.

"Mom." I ran to my mom and gave her a huge. "I'm so sorry."

"Thank you sweetheart."

"I can't be here right now, I need to see Shawn." I pull away from her hug.

"Of course. Stay there as long as you would like, don't hurry about me. I will be fine."


I ran back to Shawn's house and rang the door bell. Shawn opened the door and saw me crying.

"Come on, Kayla."

He took me to his room. Once we got in there he closed the door. "Kayla come here."

I ran into Shawn's arms and I was full out crying now."

"It's okay. Your safe now." I hugged him tighter.

"Thank you, Shawn."

"Of course. Here come lay down on my bed and we will watch Harry Potter for the rest of the day." I pulled away and got into Shawn's bed.

I pulled covers over me while Shawn was setting up the first Harry Potter Movie. Once he finished setting it up, he came and got under the covers and laid with me. I laid diagonally with my head on Shawn's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and started playing wit my hair softly. I fell asleep during the movie while Shawn was holding me.

"Good night princess." I heard Shawn say softly.

I turned over and hugged Shawn's waist and fell asleep again. The last thought I had was I might actually get through this.

(555 words)

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