-Subaru Sakamaki-

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A/N: Sorry, if Subaru is a little ooc.

Requested by: scarletblades

|[Part 1]|


<~{(Y/N) (L/N)}~>

I was walking through the Sakamaki mansion, looking a certain vampire. Then, I bumped into someone. I looked down to see who I bumped into to notice that it was my crush. Subaru Sakamaki. I have always had a crush on him ever sights we met.

<~[Flashback Starting]~> | <~{No One}~>

 The young vampire was in the rose garden, crying; when he heard something in the bushes move. Curiosity got the better of him, and walked towards the bushes.

"H-hello?" the white haired child called out.

Then at the corner of his eye, he noticed something run into the forest. He decided to follow whatever it was into the forest. After following the creature for a few minutes, Subaru soon heard a cry of pain. The red eyed vampire walked towards the cry. What he saw made his eyes grow wide. He a boy around his age with (h/c) wolf ears and tail, and (e/c) eyes. The werewolf was beautiful in Subaru's eyes. Then he notice that the (h/c) haired werewolf's left leg was bleeding. It looked like gunshot wound, he didn't hear a gun go off. He walked closer to the young wolf boy. Subaru could eye the fear in the boy's beautiful (e/c) eyes. 

"A-are you o-okay?" the vampire asked the young werewolf.

He knew he shouldn't be worried about a werewolf, but for some reason was and he wanted help him. Then.....

"I shot him! He's over there!" they heard a man yell.

The (e/c) eyed boy had more fear showing threw his eyes. When he tried to get up and run away, he fell because of his wound. Before he could hit the ground, the white hair boy caught him, and teleports them back to the rose garden. Subaru gently placed the wolf boy down onto the ground, and ripped a strip of his shirt off, tying it around the boy's wound.

"There. That should help a little," the young vampire stated after tying the fabric around the young werewolf's wound.

"Thanks," the (e/c) eyed child muttered in a low whisper.

There was a long, awkward silence, until Subaru asked, "Why were those men after you?" 

The only thing that answered him silence.

"What's your name?"








"My name is (Y/N)....."

"I'm Subaru."

Subaru gave (Y/N) a smile, causing (Y/N) to blush a little.

'He's so cute. Wait. What am I thinking? I just met him.'

<~[Flashback Ending]~> | <~{Subaru}~>

I looked up to who I bumped into to see (Y/N)'s beautiful, (e/c) eyes staring down at me.

"Oh. Sorry, Subaru," (Y/N) apologized with his low, sexy voice.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, trying to hide the fact that I was happy that he was here.

I don't know why, but I feel so calm and relax when I'm around (Y/N).

"I saw your brothers, and that human girl leave. So, I thought I'll take the change to visit you," (Y/N) answered, sending me a smile, then gave me a serious look, "Plus, I have something to tell you."

Then suddenly, he pinned me to the wall that was behind me. He held both of my hands above my head with one hand, as the other held my chin, making me look at him. One of his legs were in between my, rubbing against my inner thighs, causing me to let out a small, low groan.

(Y/N) smirked before he suddenly kissed me. I was shocked. When he pulled away, my shocked eyes met his (e/c), lust filled ones. Then I remembered................ It's the werewolf's mating season.

<~[Flashback Starting]~>

(Y/N) and I were walking through the forest, when a girl came up to us. She walked towards (Y/N), and then she suddenly kissed him. I was pissed, and what pissed me off even more was that he kissed back.

Before their kissing section could turn into a making out section, I grabbed (Y/N), and pulled him away from her, braking the kiss.

"What do you think you're doing with (Y/N)?" I glared at the female.

"Oh. I'm very, very sorry. I didn't know he already had a mate," she started, apologizing to me, then turned to (Y/N), and said, "I'm truly sorry, and I wish you two luck."

The young woman then walked off.



"Who was she, and what did she mean be 'mate'?"

"She's a werewolf. Do you know what mating season is like for animals, right?"


"Well, it's the same thing for werewolf's. That's what she meant be 'mate'. Someone you'll mate with threw out that time period."

I blushed a beep red when I thought of (Y/N) and I mating.

<~[Flashback Ending]~>

"I love you," my (h/c) haired friend stated, before kissing me again. This time, I melted in the kiss, and kissed back.

(Y/N) once again pulled away, making me groan in annoyance. He looked down at me, and asked, "Will you let me show you how much I love you."

I then nodded. I felt my checks heat up as his smirk grew.

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