Chapter 8

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March 4th 1934
The girls woke up at the same place they left their bodies, they got dressed and went to see ivanka and y/n.
Once they got there they saw a very worried Ivanka, "is everything okay Ivanka?" Lauren asked, everyone looked at her confused, Ivanka did to, "no I am not" she said quickly shaking her head biting her nail "what's wrong then?" Everyone looked at her weirdly, Lauren never showed any interest in what's going on, "it's y/n" now this got all the girls attention more "what's wrong?? Is she okay!?" Dinah asked quickly , to quickly for Lauren's liking "no she is not, she has has to kill today and give speech " the girls furrowed their eyebrows "what do you mean??" Ivanka nodded them to follow her which they did, Ivanka led them to a balcony where they saw a bunch of Nazis (picture below)

The girls had their jaws down, thats a lot of people! But they soon saw y/n in the middle with hitler by her side "what's going on ivanka?" Ally asked Ivanka was biting her lip Ivanka was about to answer until hitler spoke " Meine tochter kann töt...

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The girls had their jaws down, thats a lot of people! But they soon saw y/n in the middle with hitler by her side "what's going on ivanka?" Ally asked Ivanka was biting her lip Ivanka was about to answer until hitler spoke " Meine tochter kann töten! Wir sind hier zu beweisen, dass sie ein echter deutscher ist! " (my daughter is capable of killing! we are here to prove that she is a true German!)Ivanka quickly translated to the girls, hitler walked around the small stage everyone could tell he was mad, seeing as he heard the rumors of his daughter being a coward and not being capable of killing a disgusting Jew (a/n: no offense to any Jew, it's just for the story) "jetzt! Y/n!!" (Now y/n!) Hitler pointed at the Jew who had his face covered, y/n looked at her father shaking her head but hitler nodded at the Jew, y/n took a deep breath and got on her knees in front of the Jew "Es tut mir so leid ich hoffe du verstehst" (I'm so sorry I hope you understand..) y/n told the jew "Du hast meinen jungen vergeben füher" (you are forgiven my young füher) y/n took out her gun and closed her eyes shooting him, everyone screamed when they saw the Jew fall to the ground lifeless, y/n looked at her father in the eyes with hate and sadness, she got close to him "Dein ein Monster" (your a monster) she said sobbing quickly and walked out there.
Ivanka quickly turned around and ran to y/n once she saw her pass the door but y/n pushes her walking to a wall punching it and screaming "NEIN NEIN NEIN!!!" Screamed sobbing, Ivanka tried to get close to her but she couldn't, she looked at the girls for help the 4 girls tried but none could do anything to calm her down...that was until Lauren couldn't take it anymore..she got close to her , the other 5 girls looked at her in shock not saying a word, "y/n calm down" Lauren said y/n turned around and looked at Lauren, Lauren quickly cupped her cheeks "breathe like me" she said slowly so y/n could understand her, which she did and she closed her eyes lauren looked at her lips and at her fragile state..

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